Albrecht / Kyed | Policing and the Politics of Order-Making | Buch | 978-0-415-74330-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 218 Seiten, Format (B × H): 157 mm x 236 mm, Gewicht: 458 g

Reihe: Law, Development and Globalization

Albrecht / Kyed

Policing and the Politics of Order-Making

Buch, Englisch, 218 Seiten, Format (B × H): 157 mm x 236 mm, Gewicht: 458 g

Reihe: Law, Development and Globalization

ISBN: 978-0-415-74330-3
Verlag: CRC Press

This anthology explores the political nature of making order through policing activities in densely populated spaces across Africa, Asia and Latin America. Based on ethnographic research, the chapters analyze this complex with respect to marginalized young men in Haiti, community policing members and national politicians in Swaziland as well as other individual and collective actors engaged in policing and politics in Indonesia, Swaziland, Ghana, South Africa, Mexico, Bolivia, Haiti and Sierra Leone. What these contexts have in common is a plurality of order-making practices. Not one institution monopolizes the means of violence or a de facto sovereign position to do so. A number of interests are played out simultaneously, entailing re-negotiations over the very definition of what ‘order’ is. How and by whom a particular order is enforced is contested, at times violently so, and is therefore inherently political. In the existing literature on weak states, legal pluralism and policing in the Global South it is seldom made explicit that making order is a route to power and positions of political decision-making. It is this gap in the literature that this anthology fills, as it analyses the politics at stake in processes of order-making.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Policing and the politics of order-making on the urban margins, Helene Maria Kyed and Peter Albrecht 2. Policing Bagong Silang: Intimacy and politics in the Philippines, Steffen Jensen and Karl Hapal 3. Policing and the politics of protection on Lombok, Indonesia, Kari Telle 4. Rival Forms of Policing and Politics in Urban Swaziland, Helene Maria Kyed 5. Community policing in Accra: the complexities of local notions of (in)security and (in)justice, Emmanuel Addo Sowatey and Raymond Atuguba 6. New Authorities: Relating State and Non-state Security Auspices in South African Improvement Districts, Julie Berg with Clifford Shearing 7. Security Assemblages at the Urban Margins of Mexico City, Markus-Michael Müller 8. Closure of Bars, Cantinas and Brothels. Practices of civil in/security, state formation and citizenship in urban Bolivia, Helene Risør 9. Security Governance in Hout Bay: A study of three local communities’ capacity to engage in policing, Øyvind Samnøy Tefre 10. Young but not Alone: Youth Organizations and the Local Politics of Security Provision, Louis-Alexandre Berg 11. Secret Societies and Order-making in Freetown, Nathaniel King and Peter Albrecht

Peter Albrecht is a Project Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies.

Helene Maria Kyed is a Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies.

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