Both editors are well-known experts in this field. Yochanan Altman is the book series editor and founding editor of the Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion. Kathryn Pavlovich is the editor-in-chief of JMSR. Both are ‘official elders’ of the Academy of Management’s Management, Spirituality & Religion Division. Both are widely published in this maturing field and related management subjects. Yochanan Altman is a veteran management academic, educated in psychology (BA, MA) and anthropology (PhD). He has worked and researched in over a dozen geographies throughout his career. He is currently Senior Fellow at the Department of Management, WU Vienna, Austria and Honorary Research Fellow with the Center for Research in OB & HR, University of Haifa, Israel. Yochanan is Chair of the International Association of Management Spirituality & Religion. He has published in leading journals such as Academy of Management Annals, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Organization Studies, Human Resources, Journal of Vocational Behavior; and authored, co-authored and edited some twenty books. Yochanan is former Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, Journal of Managerial Psychology and European Management Review. Kathryn Pavlovich is Professor of strategic management and entrepreneurship and Director of the Postgraduate Doctoral Programme at the University of Waikato Management School, Hamilton, New Zealand. She has published in leading journals such as the Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Business Ethics, Long Range Planning, International Small Business Journal and Tourism Management. She is a past Chair of the Management, Spirituality and Religion Division of the Academy of Management; editor-in-chief of the Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, former associate editor for the Journal of Management Education; and currently on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Perspectives, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Business Ethics and the Journal of Management Education.