Alvarenga / Byrne | Handbook of Psychocardiology | Buch | 978-981-287-207-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 1156 Seiten, Buch mit Online-Zugang, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

Alvarenga / Byrne

Handbook of Psychocardiology

Buch, Englisch, 1156 Seiten, Buch mit Online-Zugang, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-981-287-207-4
Verlag: Springer International Publishing

This handbook brings together the full weight of contemporary evidence bearing on what is now commonly termed “psycho-cardiology”. It focuses on the role of psycho-social factors in the genesis and clinical management of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The book constitutes a critically reviewed compendium of current knowledge in the area, coupled with guides to evidence-based best practice in the field of psycho-cardiology.  The following categories are covered: Social/demographic risk for CVD, Personality and CVD risk, Stress and CVD risk, Psychopathology (particularly affective disorders) and CVD risk, The psychological management of those with clinical CVD, Psychology in the prevention of CVD. The book integrates the evidence into a compelling argument that clinicians, researchers and those in public health will discount the role of psychological factors in regard to CVD at their own peril. And importantly for clinicians charged with the care of patients with CVD, the book poses the argument that failure to recognize the links between psychological factors and CVD may well be at the considerable peril of those patients under their care.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Foundations of Cardiac Psychology: A Brief History of Cardiac Psychology.- Alcohol Use and Cardiovascular Disease.- Cardiovascular Risk Factors – The Role of Lifestyle.- Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease.- Fundamentals of Cardiovascular Disease for the Non-Cardiologist.- Psychogenesis and Heart Disease Now: The Thinking Heart in Action.- Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease: A Psychosocial Perspective.- From Evidence to Practice: A Summing Up – The Evidence Now and Where It Will Take Us Into The Future.- Evidence to Practice in Psychocardiology: Translation Medicine as the Pivotal Enabler.- Service Delivery in Psychocardiology.- Lifestyle Management in Cardiovascular Disease - Prevention and Secondary Intervention: Depression and Emotional Adjustment after a Cardiac Event.- Exercise and Recovery from Cardiovascular Disease: A Psychological Approach.- Lifestyle and Cardiovascular Risk: Implications for Risk Management.- Obesity - Its Relationship with Cardiovascular Disease and Management.- Personality, The Social Environment, and Cardiovascular Disease: Anger, Hostility and Cardiovascular Disease.- Cardiovascular Disease in Indigenous Populations.- Cardiovascular Disease in Refugees.- Gender and Cardiovascular Disease.- Personality and Cardiovascular Disease – An Overview.- Social Disadvantage and CVD Risk.- Social Networks, Social Support and Cardiovascular Disease.- Type A Behavior and Cardiovascular Disease.- Psychological Management of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease: Impact of Cardiac Medications on Mood.- Mindfulness and Management of the Cardiac Patient.- Psychological Intervention in Patients with Indwelling Cardiac Devices.- Psychology and Psychiatry in the Coronary Intensive Care Unit.- Psychopharmacology in the Treatment of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease.- Psychosocial Interventions for Patients after a Cardiac Event.-
Psychotherapeutic Management Of Anxiety in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease.- Psychotherapy in Cardiac Rehabilitation.- Psychology and Cardiovascular Biology - The Linking Mechanisms: Animal Models in Cardiac Psychology.- Cardiac Autonomic Control: Implications for CVD Risk Status.- Diabetes – Psychological Antecedents and Cardiovascular Risk.- Gene/Environment Interactions, Stress and Depression.- Genetics and Epigenetics in Cardiac Psychology.- Immunology, Inflammation, Mental Disorder and Cardiovascular Risk.- Insulin Resistance, Glucose Regulation, Obesity and Mood.- Non-Linear Analyses of Data in Cardiovascular Physiology and Epidemiology.- Psychiatric and Psychological Issues in Patients with Recurrent Syncope.- Psychogenic Hypertension.- Role of the Sympathetic Nervous System in Cardiovascular Disease.- Stress Cardiomyopathy.- Sympathetic Nerve Activity, Stress and Cardiovascular Risk.- Psychopathology, Stress and Cardiovascular Disease: Anxiety and Cardiovascular Disease.- Bereavement and Cardiovascular Risk.- Childhood Stress, Emotional Distress and Cardiovascular Function in Adolescents.- Cognitive Consequences of Invasive Cardiac Surgery.- Congenital Heart Disease – Presentation and Epidemiology.- Depression and Cardiovascular Disease – Psychobiological Mechanisms.- Natural Disasters and Cardiovascular Risk.- Occupational Stress and Cardiovascular Disease.- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease.- Psychological Antecedents and Consequences of Stroke.- Psychological Aspects of Patients with Congenital Heart Disease.- Psychological Aspects of Valvular Heart Disease.- Psychological Consequences of Invasive Cardiac Surgery and Transplantation.- Psychological Hazards of Implanted Cardiac Devices.- Psychological Responses to the Experience of Clinical Cardiovascular Events.- Psychoses and Cardiovascular Disease.- Psychosocial Correlates of Unexplained Syncope.- Quality of Life in Survivors of Myocardial Infarction.- Sleep Disorders and Cardiovascular Disease.- Stress and Cardiovascular Reactivity.- Stress – Concepts, Models and Measures.- Stress, Depression and Cardiovascular Function in Children.

Dr Marlies Alvarenga – Clinical Psychologist, Adjunct Senior Lecturer with Monash University’s School of Public Health and past Director of the Monash Psychology Centre at the School of Psychology and Psychiatry, Monash University. She is also an Academic Research Fellow with the BakerIDI Heart and Diabetes Research Institute.

Professor Don Byrne – Professor Byrne graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1975 with a PhD in Clinical Psychology. He is currently Professor of Clinical Psychology, Head of the Department of Psychology, and Director of the School of Health and Psychological Sciences, at the Australian National University in Canberra.

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