Anderson | Anderson, C: ETHICAL DECISION MAKING FOR DI | Buch | 978-1-84334-149-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 152 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 232 g

Reihe: Chandos Information Professional Series



Buch, Englisch, 152 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 232 g

Reihe: Chandos Information Professional Series

ISBN: 978-1-84334-149-9
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

This book examines the ethical issues and dilemmas that arise in digital libraries, and the codes of conduct, professional guidelines and ethics resources used in resolving them. The book begins with an overview of classical and applied ethics, then reviews the codes of conduct of professional information societies (libraries, archivists, information technology). The book then examines issues and situations that arise in digitization and digital library management, and explores the ways established information ethics can be applied and adapted to these cases.

- Looks at ethics relating to digitization, digital libraries and preservation
- Includes decision making guides for various situations that arise in digital libraries, with questions for readers to ask themselves when faced with an ethical dilemma
- Takes the professional guidelines and codes of conduct for librarians, archivists and information workers as stated in the codes of ethics for various professional societies and applies these to the world of digital libraries
Anderson Anderson, C: ETHICAL DECISION MAKING FOR DI jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

An introduction to ethical theory and applied ethics; Professional codes of ethics in the information professions; Ethics and digitisation policies; Ethics in selection of materials to digitise; Ethics and funding; Ethics and digital collaborations; Ethics and digitisation standards; Ethics in the digitisation process; Ethics and digital preservation; Ethics and access; Ethics and digital library management; Ethics for twenty-first century librarians.

Anderson, Cokie
Cokie Anderson has been an Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University since 2000, and directs the University Library's Electronic Publishing Center. She is one of the founding members of, a collaborative effort by Oklahoma libraries, archives, and museums to digitise cultural materials.

Cokie G. Anderson is an Assistant Professor and Electronic Publishing Librarian at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. She serves on the editorial board of The Electronic Library and is the co-author with David Maxwell of Starting a Digitization Center (Chandos Publishing, 2004).

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