Appleby / Smail | Office Health and Safety Handbook | Buch | 978-1-84766-319-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 220 Seiten, Format (B × H): 236 mm x 156 mm, Gewicht: 420 g

Appleby / Smail

Office Health and Safety Handbook

Buch, Englisch, 220 Seiten, Format (B × H): 236 mm x 156 mm, Gewicht: 420 g

ISBN: 978-1-84766-319-1
Verlag: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC

This is a practical guide to health and safety issues in the offices of small and large businesses. It provides appropriate background knowledge, practical information and office-based examples on an increasing number of health and safety work place scenarios.

Since the definition of risk in the office has been changed through recent appellate cases, Office Health and Safety Handbook, Fourth Edition is fully updated to include coverage on:

Court of Appeal cases R. v Tangerine Confectionery Ltd and R. v Veolia;
House of Lords case R v Chargot Ltd;
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005;
The emergence of work related road risk;
Violence at work;
Disability Discrimination Act 1995;
Guidance from the appellate courts on stress;

This book sets out the common risks associated with running an office. Stand-alone chapters make it ideal for dipping in and out of for advice on specific issues you may be faced with. Directors, senior managers, occupational health and safety officers and health and safety managers will greatly benefit from the practical guidance.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 Managing health and safety in the office; Chapter 2 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and its associated regulations; Chapter 3 Risk, risk assessment and risk management; Chapter 4 The office and its buildings; Chapter 5 Fire safety; Chapter 6 Office and computer equipment; Chapter 7 Manual handling; Chapter 8 Work-related stress; Chapter 9 Harassment and bullying in the workplace; Chapter 10 Working at home; Chapter 11 Work-related road risk; Chapter 12 First aid; Chapter 13 Employee rehabilitation following injury or illness; Chapter 14 Disability discrimination and its interaction with health and safety law; Chapter 15 Recording and reporting accidents; Chapter 16 Insurance; Chapter 17 Responding to a personal injury claim; Chapter 18 Prosecutions; Chapter 19 Setting up an office.

Appleby, Mike
Mike Applebyis a partner at Fisher Scoggins Waters LLP and specialises in defending directors, senior individuals and companies facing investigation or prosecution for health and safety offences or manslaughter arising from work related incidents.

Smail, Louise
Louise Smail has extensive experience in the field of risk management with a wide range of organisations, including local government, police, manufacturing and many train operating companies. Louise has worked as Principle consultant and director of two international consulting groups and now runs own consultancy, Ortalan where she works on high profile projects looking at business risk evaluation and performance at board level and the impact of changes in legislation in both the UK and Europe. She writes and lectures extensively and is the General Editor of the Corporate Liability: Work related Deaths and Criminal Prosecutions and Consultant editor of Health and Safety at Work Newsletter (both published by Bloomsbury Professional). Louise went to University in Manchester where she obtained a Ph.D. and a master in Law and where she now lives.


Mike Appleby is a solicitor and partner at Housemans. He is a recognised leading lawyer in the field of health and safety. The 2012 Chambers and Partners: Independent Guide to the Legal Profession writes "He knows his business very well and how the HSE thinks and works. He has a very strong reputation."
Dr Louise Smail is a director at Ortalan. She has extensive experience in the field of risk management and business continuity. Louise also lectures for the Emergency Planning College.


Gary Davison, partner, Housemans
Paul Maxwell, solicitor, Housemans
Sid Toama, in house counsel, Maclaren

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