Aseeva / Górski | The Law and Policy of New Eurasian Regionalization | Buch | 978-90-04-44786-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 18, 650 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1249 g

Reihe: Nijhoff International Trade Law Series

Aseeva / Górski

The Law and Policy of New Eurasian Regionalization

Economic Integration, Trade, and Investment in the Post-Soviet and Greater Eurasian Space

Buch, Englisch, Band 18, 650 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1249 g

Reihe: Nijhoff International Trade Law Series

ISBN: 978-90-04-44786-8
Verlag: Brill

The Law and Policy of New Eurasian Regionalization: Economic Integration, Trade, and Investment in the Post-Soviet and Greater Eurasian Space, edited by Anna Aseeva and Jedrzej Górski, makes several unique contributions to the literature. First and foremost, most of the current literature is in either economics or politics, with only a secondary focus on legal and institutional matters. Secondly, and consequently, the book is accessible and relevant to readers both ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ the boundaries of the Eurasian area: not only geographical boundaries, but also legal, geopolitical, geoeconomic, cultural, and, indeed, disciplinary boundaries.

Drawing on international, transnational, and comparative legal scholarship, this rich volume offers the insights by a plethora of leading international scholars in economics, institutional theory, area studies, international relations, global political economy, political science, and sociology. The contributors come from four corners of the globe, including Asia, Europe, and North America.
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Notes on Contributors

List of Abbreviations

1 Introduction

W(h)ither Eurasian Regionalization?

Anna Aseeva and Jedrzej Górski


Eurasian (Re)Integration: Strengths, Challenges, and Opportunities

2 The Geoeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Union

Glenn Diesen

3 Better Connectivity for Greater Eurasia

China–Russia Cooperation on the Development of the Economic Corridor in the High North

Vasilii Erokhin and Gao Tianming

4 Why Does the Eurasian Economic Union Need Free Trade Agreements with Third Countries?

Vladimir G. Sherov-Ignatev

5 International Strategy Toolkit of the EAEU

Options for Third Countries, International Organizations and Integration Groups

Anastasia Likhacheva and Alexander Korolev

6 The Court of the Eurasian Economic Union

Not Just for Government-to-Government Dispute Settlement

Kirill Entin and Ekaterina Diyachenko

7 Execution of Judgments and Advisory Opinions of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union

Pavel Myslivskiy

8 EAEU Competition Law

What’s in a Name?

Kirill Entin and Ekaterina Diyachenko

9 Principle of Mutual Recognition as the Cornerstone of the EU Internal Market and Its Potential for the EAEU Internal Market

Aleksandra Shestakova


Alternative Dispute Resolution

10 Current Trends in International Arbitration in Russia

Protectionism or Preventionism?

Rinat R. Gareev

11 Transnational Dispute Settlement at the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Dmitry Davydenko

12 Effectiveness of International Arbitration

Are There Real Barriers to Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Russia?

Valeria Butyrina

13 Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Azar Aliyev and Turkhan Ismayilzada

14 Commercial Dispute Resolution in the Union State of Russia and Belarus in the Light of the Singapore Convention on Mediation

Perspective of Harmonization?

Natalia Gaidaenko Schaer

15 An Assessment of VIAC and Energy Community as Alternative Dispute Settlement Centres in the CIS and Greater Eurasian Area

Strengths, Challenges, and Opportunities

Smaranda Miron and Stephan Karall


Foreign Investments in Eurasia Today

16 Parallel Proceedings before International Investment Tribunals and the European Court of Human Rights

Vadim Absaliamov

17 Contracts Affected by Economic Sanctions

Russian and International Perspectives

Andrey Kotelnikov

18 Restrictions on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in State Controlled Entities under Russian Law

Aleksandr P. Alekseenko

19 Investment Arbitration’s First Bell Ring for Belarus – Belarus’s Exposure to International Investment Arbitration

Benjamin Terrade

20 BIT Planning for Central Asia

The Problem of Negotiations and Definitions

Aidana Aldiyarova

21 Uzbekistan’s New Bilateral Investment Treaty Standpoint

In Case of Uzbekistan-Turkey BIT (2018)

Farruhbek Muminov and Jedrzej Górski


Development and Sustainability

22 Arbitration Involving Renewable Energy Investments in the Eurasian Region

A Focus on Indirect Expropriation Claims Brought under the Energy Charter Treaty

Claudia Pharaon

23 Towards "Greening" of Energy and Mining Sectors in Former Soviet Republics

Foreign Investment Law and Dispute Settlement Implications

Yulia Dragunova

24 Production Sharing Agreements in the Caucasus and Central Asia

A Contextual Study of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan

Hakan Sahin

25 Comparative Analysis of Investment Provisions of the Regional Trade Agreements in the Eurasia Region

The Case of the Eurasian Economic Union and the EU Association Agreements with Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine

Seljan Verdiyeva

26 EU’s ‘Europeanization’ Policy and Sustainable Development in the Post-Soviet Space

Whither Sustainable? Whose Development? The Case of Moldova

Anna Aseeva and Alexandra Shishkova

27 Political Implications of Legislative Reform in the Georgian Power Sector

Erin Brousseau

28 Challenges of the Minority ‘Rule’ of Extractivism for the Majority World

Fighting Climate Change Glocally in Brazil, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia

Anna Aseeva and Ramin Babayev

29 Maintenance of the Historic Title of Russia to the Straits of the Northern Sea Route in the Twenty-First Century

Timur Abushakhmanov

30 Conclusions

Current Trends, and Future Challenges and Opportunities of Law and Policy of Eurasian Regionalization

Anna Aseeva and Jedrzej Górski


Anna Aseeva Faculty of Law and Administration, Lazarski University and Faculty of Law, HSE University, holds a Ph.D in Law from Sciences Po Paris; a Master in European law and Institutions from the University of Geneva; and a Degree in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. Her publications include From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Social Liability: a Socio-Legal Study of Corporate Liability in Global Value Chains (Hart Publishing 2021).

Jedrzej Górski, Ph.D (2016), Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong. Formerly UCL Australia (2017), CUHK (2012-2016), MLS (2014) and CMS (2010-2012). His publications include Belt and Road Initiative: Law Economics and Politics (Brill 2018).

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