Bacchus / Beau | My Life with MS, Bipolar and Brain Injury | Buch | 978-1-138-33128-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 150 Seiten, Format (B × H): 137 mm x 213 mm, Gewicht: 204 g

Reihe: After Brain Injury: Survivor Stories

Bacchus / Beau

My Life with MS, Bipolar and Brain Injury

Living in the Moment

Buch, Englisch, 150 Seiten, Format (B × H): 137 mm x 213 mm, Gewicht: 204 g

Reihe: After Brain Injury: Survivor Stories

ISBN: 978-1-138-33128-0
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd (Sales)

This is the remarkable story of Charlie Bacchus, who was diagnosed with a severe case of viral encephalitis and later with multiple sclerosis and bipolar. This moving, funny, sometimes explicit book charts his life, including recollections of his childhood, the acceptance of his diagnoses and his determination to carry on living to the full.

This book highlights many themes such as the loss of independence and the challenges of hidden disabilities and visible differences. Although the line between fantasy and reality is not always clear, Charlie’s loving personality and hypomania allow him to maintain supportive connections and adapt to his situation.

Charlie’s account provides support for patients who have brain injury and their families. This will be of great interest to professionals working in neurology including occupational therapists, social workers and rehabilitation practitioners.
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General and Professional Practice & Development

Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword - Michael Kopelman

Preface - Marie A. Beau

1. The Rise and Fall of a Football Star

2. My Free-spirited Family

3. Glories of Mental and Love Ventures

4. MS Awareness

5. Dealing with MS at 38

6. Matters of Acceptance

Addendum - 40’s Birthday Messages

Charlie was first diagnosed with encephalitis, then multiple sclerosis and bipolar. He was an excellent footballer and believed in his career as a professional – when he realised he couldn’t kick a ball anymore. Art and living life to the full became his passion.

Mab came to London to set up the French Music Office at the French Embassy. When she met Charlie, she was training to go back to psychology, her first vocation. Her private consultation as a French counselling psychologist is now thriving.

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