Baldry | Computers, Jobs, and Skills | Buch | 978-0-306-42963-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 192 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 321 g

Reihe: Approaches to Information Technology


Computers, Jobs, and Skills

The Industrial Relations of Technological Change

Buch, Englisch, 192 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 321 g

Reihe: Approaches to Information Technology

ISBN: 978-0-306-42963-7
Verlag: Springer US

"Faith. Hope. and Charity and the greatest of these is Charity. " "Hardware. Software. and Lil'ell'are and the greatest of these is. " As information technology ceased to be the prerogative of computer scientists and electronics engineers, those of us from other disciplines had to contend with the jargon which was already in vogue. We learned to live with "hardware" and "software. " We were less enthusiastic about "Iiveware. " Polite and some impolite questioning revealed that "Iiveware" was a euphemism for "people. " We were not amused. As one spirited participant observed, "I refused to go home and tell my children that Almighty God had made liveware in His own image and likeness. " People are too important to be known as anything but people. Moreover, it is the importance of people that is the dominating and recurring theme of this book by Christopher Baldry. He deals with virtually every aspect of the problems concerning men and women and their recourse to the equipment. This could well become the definitive work in the field. In addition to the details of health hazards, industrial relations, new technology agreements and the like, Dr. Baldry grapples with two great underpinning issues.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Prologue.- 1: Introduction.- A Transforming Technology.- Attitudes and Phobias.- Characteristics of Information Technology.- Technology as the Midwife of Social Change.- Discussion Questions.- References.- 2: Employment.- Technology and Employment.- Focusing Down.- Sunrise, Sunset.- Discussion Questions.- References.- 3: The Quality of Work and the Working Environment.- Toward a High-Skill Workforce?.- Explanations of Deskilling.- The Working Environment.- Management and Change.- Discussion Questions.- References.- 4: New Technology Bargaining.- The Industrial Relations Environment.- Uncertainties and Strategies.- The Contours of Bargaining.- Conflict.- Case Study: Newspaper Printing.- Discussion Questions.- References.- 5: Alternative Approaches to Change.- The Search for Alternatives.- Job Redesign.- Discussion Questions.- References.- 6: Theories of the Information Society: Who Gets Plugged In?.- Profile of an Information Society.- Information, Technology, and Society.- Discussion Questions.- References.

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