Barratt / Mahboob | Englishes in Multilingual Contexts | Buch | 978-94-024-0140-0 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 10, 238 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 382 g

Reihe: Multilingual Education

Barratt / Mahboob

Englishes in Multilingual Contexts

Language Variation and Education

Buch, Englisch, Band 10, 238 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 382 g

Reihe: Multilingual Education

ISBN: 978-94-024-0140-0
Verlag: Springer Netherlands

The chapters in this volume allow readers to develop a broad understanding of the issues around language variation and to recognise pedagogical implications of this work in multilingual contexts. The authors explore how variations in Englishes around the world relate to issues in English language teaching and learning. The English language has always existed alongside other languages. However, the last 200 years have shown a dramatic increase in the range, extent and context of contact between English and other languages. As a result of this contact, we find marked variations in Englishes around the world. The first part includes chapters of importance in studying English language variation in the context of education. The second part builds on an understanding of variation and identifies pedagogical possibilities that respect language variation and yet empower English language learners in diverse contexts.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: Introduction.- Section 1: Issues of Language Variation in Education. Chapter 2: Integrating Language Variation into TESOL: Challenges from English Globalization.- Chapter 3: Classroom Encounters with Caribbean Creole English: Language, Identities and Pedagogy.- Chapter 4: Global Identities or Local Stigma Markers: How Equal is the 'E' in Englishes in Cameroon?.- Chapter 5: Accent and Ethics: Issues that Merit Attention.- Chapter 6: Forensic Linguistics and Pedagogical Implications in Multilingual Contexts.- Chapter 7: Teaching the Expanding Universe of Englishes.- Section 2: Pedagogical applications. Chapter 8: Dynamic Approach to Language Proficiency.- Chapter 9: Modelling and Mentoring: The Yin and Yang of Teaching and Learning from Home Through School.- Chapter 10: Supporting Students in the Move from Spoken to Written Language.- Chapter 11: Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics to Build Educators’ Knowledge of Academic English for the Teaching of Writing.- Chapter 12: "Welcome to the Real World” or English Reloaded: A European Perspective.- Chapter 13: Preparing Linguistically Responsive Teachers in Multilingual Contexts.- Chapter 14: From Model to Practice: Language Variation in Education.

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