Barrett-Lennard | Carl Rogers' Helping System | Buch | 978-0-7619-5677-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 734 g


Carl Rogers' Helping System

Journey & Substance

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 734 g

ISBN: 978-0-7619-5677-8
Verlag: Sage Publications UK

`This book is a monumental achievement, and person-centred practitioners will be indebted to Goff Barrett-Lennard for many years to come. He has written no only a definitive study of the history of person-centred approach - what he calls a report of the "evolutionary course of a human science" - but also an accompanying commentary which is unfailingly enlightening, sometimes provocative and occasional lyrical' - Brian Thorne, Emeritus Professor of Counselling, University of East Anglia and Co-Founder, Norwich Centre

`I highly recommend this book as a reference source of major import, as bibliography, as history as art, and as a complex discussion of questions that plague the person-centred practitioner and the client-centred therapist' - The Person-Centered Journal

`If you only ever buy one book about the Person-Centred Approach, other than those written by Rogers himself, this is the one. It is a staggering achievement by one of the most knowledgeable writers in the field' - PCP Reviews

`This book is a gem, and should have wide appeal. It is an excellent introduction to person-centred psychology, written in accessible style, and it takes the reader beyond the simplicity often confused with naivety Goff Barrett-Lennard reveals a sophisticated complexity that challenges us to view the "person" with fresh eyes and an open mind' - Tony Merry, University of East London

`I strongly recommend this book as a sophisticated treatment of the client-or person-centred approach to therapy and its applications to areas outside therapy. It is also a useful overview of research on all aspects of person-centred ideas' - Psychotherapy Research

`This book. is not a single "meal" in itself but a positive "larder" containing every imaginable staple food and condiment all exquisitely and thoroughly researched. The book took Godfrey T Barrett-Lennard 20 years to write and it will stand as a reference text for person-centred specialists for longer than that. an essential reference text. and a pantry full of delicious surprises' - Counselling and Psychotherapy, The Journal of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

`Probably the most important piece of work on the person-centred approach to have emerged in recent years. an essential source of reference for anyone with a serious interest in the person-centred approach' - Counselling News

Written by an ex-student and long-time colleague of Carl Rogers, this in-depth and challenging book charts the development of person-centred therapy from its origins through to the present day.

Godfrey T Barrett-Lennard traces the central concepts and key figures within the movement, set against the contemporary historical, social and political context. As an integrated overview of the person-centred approach, Carl Rogers' Helping System presents a wealth of fascinating ideas and information which is linked to a fresh, incisive account of the unfolding theory, process and research.
Barrett-Lennard Carl Rogers' Helping System jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

The Beginnings of Client-Centred Therapy
A Time of New Pathways
Twenties Dissonance to New Deal Dawn
New Paths in Step
Roosevelt's Way/Rogers' Advance
Contours of the School Phase of Client-Centred Therapy
Human Nature, Personality and Change
Theoretical Foundations of the Client-Centred System
The Helping Interview
The Course of Therapy
The Helping Process with Children and Families
Group Encounter and Therapy
Wellness, Education and Parenting
Leadership, Large Groups, Community, Conflict Resolution
The Search for Order and Effects
Conditions and Process in Personal Change
Investigation beyond One to One Therapy
Development of Therapists and Facilitators
Openings in a Dynamic Continuity

Barrett-Lennard, Godfrey T
After a full-time career in universities, Godfrey Barrett-Lennard has, since the mid-1980s, been a consultant clinical psychologist in private practice and Visiting Fellow in Psychology at Murdoch University in Western Australia.

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