Bean | SOA and Web Services Interface Design | Buch | 978-0-12-374891-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 384 Seiten, Format (B × H): 190 mm x 232 mm, Gewicht: 800 g

Reihe: The MK/OMG Press


SOA and Web Services Interface Design

Principles, Techniques, and Standards

Buch, Englisch, 384 Seiten, Format (B × H): 190 mm x 232 mm, Gewicht: 800 g

Reihe: The MK/OMG Press

ISBN: 978-0-12-374891-1
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

In SOA and Web Services Interface Design, data architecture guru James Bean teaches you how to design web service interfaces that are capable of being extended to accommodate ever changing business needs and promote incorporation simplicity. The book first provides an overview of critical SOA principles, thereby offering a basic conceptual summary. It then provides explicit, tactical, and real-world techniques for ensuring compliance with these principles. Using a focused, tutorial-based approach the book provides working syntactical examples - described by Web services standards such as XML, XML Schemas, WSDL and SOAP - that can be used to directly implement interface design procedures, thus allowing you immediately generate value from your efforts. In summary, SOA and Web Services Interface Design provides the basic theory, but also design techniques and very specific implementable encoded interface examples that can be immediately employed in your work, making it an invaluable practical guide to any practitioner in today's exploding Web-based service market.
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Technology practitioners involved in the design and development of SOA services and service interfaces including enterprise and integration architects responsible for defining company information architecture, computer software engineers who research and develop vendor SOA-based applications, and business solutions architects.


Weitere Infos & Material

1. SOA - A Common Sense Definition2. Core SOA Principles3. Web Services vs. other Types and Styles of Services4. Data - the Missing Link5. Data Services6. Transformation to Resolve Data Impedance7. The Service Interface - the "Contract�8. Canonical Message Design9. The Enterprise Taxonomy10. XML Schema Basics11. XML Schema Design Patterns12. Schema Assembly and Reuse13. The Interface and Change14. Service Operations and Overloading15. Selective Data Fragmentation16. Update Transactions17. Fixed Length Transactions and Nulls18. Document Literal Interfaces19. Performance Analysis and Optimization Techniques20. Error Definition and HandlingA. Appendix

Bean, James
James Bean is the President and CEO of the Relational Logistics Group. He is the author of the books: the "Sybase Client/Server EXplorer" © 1996 Coriolis Group Books and "XML Globalization and Best Practices" © 2001, and has written numerous magazine articles for technology journals. He is also the Chairman of the Global Web Architecture Group.

James Bean is the President and CEO of the Relational Logistics Group. He is the author of the books: the "Sybase Client/Server EXplorer" © 1996 Coriolis Group Books and "XML Globalization and Best Practices" © 2001, and has written numerous magazine articles for technology journals. He is also the Chairman of the Global Web Architecture Group.

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