Bechtolsheim | TEX in Practice | Buch | 978-1-4613-9144-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 422 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 698 g

Reihe: Monographs in Visual Communication


TEX in Practice

Volume IV: Output Routines, Tables

Buch, Englisch, 422 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 698 g

Reihe: Monographs in Visual Communication

ISBN: 978-1-4613-9144-9
Verlag: Springer

Although you only have one volume in front of you, writing four volumes and 1600 pages on a single subject needs some form of justification. And then on the other hand, why write even more?! Can't, at least, the preface of something that long be short?! Very well, so let's keep it short. It is my sincere hope that the series "'lEX in Practice" will be useful for your own 'lEX work. But please, before you get started, read the "Notes on ''lEX in Practice' ," because it instructs you how to use this series. You will find these notes on pages xxvii-xxxvi. The fourth and last volume deals with two different subject areas. First of all, there are the so-called output routines which are responsible for putting together the pages as generated by 'lEX. You will be amazed at how many different things can be done with 'lEX's output routines. The second subject area we are dealing with in this volume are tables. About a hundred different tables you can choose from should provide you with a starting point in the selection of tables.
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Weitere Infos & Material

32 The Page Breaking Algorithm.- 32.1 Definitions and Other Basics.- 32.2 The Page Breaking Algorithm in General.- 32.3 Page Layouts “Bottom Flush” and “Ragged Bottom”.- 32.4 Vertical Glues of the Main Vertical List.- 32.5 Penalties Controlling Page Breaks.- 32.6 Other Page Break Algorithm Controlling Parameters.- 32.7 Insertions.- 32.8 Comparing the Line Breaking and the Page Breaking Algorithm.- 32.9 Summary.- 33 Output Routines, Basics.- 33.1 An Overview of the Presented Output Routines.- 33.2 The Page-Breaking Algorithm and Output Routine.- 33.3 Comments on Generating the Chapters on Output Routines.- 33.4 Basics of Output Routines.- 33.5 Page Numbering, \pageno.- 33.6 Box Register 255 and the Output Routine.- 33.7 Page Layout and the Output Routine.- 33.8 Summary.- 34 Some Simple Output Routines.- 34.1 Two Trivial Output Routines.- 34.2 An Output Routine for the Selective Printing of Pages.- 34.3 Output Routine Generating Double Rules Around Pages.- 34.4 An Output Routine with Running Heads.- 34.5 Output Routine to Print Library Cards.- 34.6 Specific Positioning Printing.- 34.7 Marks.- 34.8 Summary.- 35 The Plain Format Output Routine and Insertions.- 35.1 A Brief Overview.- 35.2 A Simplified Output Routine of the Plain Format.- 35.3 The Ordinary Plain Format Output Routine.- 35.4 The Insertions of the Plain Format.- 35.5 Oversized Insertion Material.- 35.6 Modifying \pagecontents and \endinsert.- 35.7 Improving \midinsert.- 35.8 Dumping the Page’s Main Vertical List into the Logfile, \ShowPlainLists.- 35.9 Output Routine and Related Macros for This Series.- 35.10 Summary.- 36 Output Routines with Insertions.- 36.1 An Output Routine Setup for the Development of an Index.- 36.2 An Output Routine with Flexible Figure Caption Placement.- 36.3Footnote-Related Problems in the Design of Output Routines.- 36.4 Limitations of the Insertion Concept.- 36.5 Summary.- 37 Double Column Output Routines.- 37.1 Double Column Output Routine I.- 37.2 A Single/Double Column Output Routine.- 37.3 Summary.- 38 Tables in TEX Using \halign.- 38.1 The Page Layout of the Chapters on Tables.- 38.2 Basics.- 38.3 Simple Tables.- 38.4 Spacing Between Table Columns, \tabskip.- 38.5 Controlling the Spacing Between Columns by Glue in Templates.- 38.6 Numerical Alignment.- 38.7 The Width of a Table.- 38.8 Summary.- 39 More Tables in TEX Using \halign.- 39.1 Vertical Spacing of Tables.- 39.2 Inserting Material Not Subject to Alignment, \noalign.- 39.3 Entries Spanning Multiple Columns.- 39.4 Struts and the Vertical Spacing of Tables.- 39.5 Vertical Rules in Tables.- 39.6 Vertical and Horizontal Rules.- 39.7 The Proper Way to Input Tables.- 39.8 Summary.- 40 Even More Tables.- 40.1 Centering a Table on the Page.- 40.2 Sparse Tables.- 40.3 Vboxes as Table Entries.- 40.4 Tables and Paragraphs.- 40.5 Tables Can Run Across Multiple Pages.- 40.6 Macros to Build Tables and Preambles.- 40.7 Summary.- 41 Still Tables.- 41.1 Numerical Computations in Tables.- 41.2 Parentheses Around and Within Tables.- 41.3 Vertical Splitting Tables by Hand.- 41.4 Table-Related Macros in the Plain Format.- 41.5 Vertical Alignment, \valign.- 41.6 Double Tables.- 41.7 The Placement of Tables.- 41.8 The Token Register \everycr.- 41.9 Expansion Issues in Tables.- 41.10 Summary.- Source Code File Index.

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