Berg / Kotzé / Nicklas | In Search of Truth. Augustine, Manichaeism and Other Gnosticism | Buch | 978-90-04-18997-3 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 74, 732 Seiten, Format (B × H): 165 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 1338 g

Reihe: Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies

Berg / Kotzé / Nicklas

In Search of Truth. Augustine, Manichaeism and Other Gnosticism

Studies for Johannes Van Oort at Sixty

Buch, Englisch, Band 74, 732 Seiten, Format (B × H): 165 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 1338 g

Reihe: Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies

ISBN: 978-90-04-18997-3
Verlag: Brill

This volume in honour of Johannes van Oort, formerly University of Utrecht, presently Professor of Patristics and Gnosticism at the Universities of Nijmegen and Pretoria, and past-President of the International Association of Manichaean Studies (IAMS), brings together a rich variety of studies on Augustine, Manichaeism, and other Gnostic currents, thus reflecting the honorand’s research interests. The unique collection is divided into four sections: I. Studies in Augustine: Confessions, Sermons, Letters & De Haeresibus; Augustine on Grace & Pluralism; Augustinian ‘Gnosis’; II. Studies in Manichaeism: Origins & Myth; Doctrines & Cult; Diffusion & Art; III. Studies in Manichaeism and Augustine: Doctrines; Polemics & Debates with Manichaean Contemporaries; IV. Studies in ‘Other Gnosticism’: Gnosticism and ‘Apocryphal’ Texts; Sources of (Ps.) Hippolytus’ Refutatio; the Gospel of Judas; Modern Yesidi Gnosticism. The 35 studies are preceded by an overview of Prof. van Oort’s scholarly activities and publications
Berg / Kotzé / Nicklas In Search of Truth. Augustine, Manichaeism and Other Gnosticism jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Studies in Augustine: Confessions, Sermons, Letters & De Haeresibus; Augustine on Grace & Pluralism; Augustinian ‘Gnosis’

Annemaré Kotzé, Protreptic, Paraenetic and Augustine’s Confessions
Thérèse Fuhrer, Allegorical Reading and Writing in Augustine’s Confessions
Josef Lössl, Augustine’s Confessions as a Consolation of Philosophy
Anthony Dupont, Sermones 29 and 29A on Ps. 117,1 (118,1): Two Early Carthaginian Sermones ad Populum on the Meaning of Confessio during the Vigil of Pentecost?
Vincent Hunink, ‘Practicing What He Had Taught’: Augustine’s Sermons on Cyprian
Sigrid Mratschek, Die ungeschriebenen Briefe des Augustinus von Hippo
Gian Ackermans, Einige rechtliche und theologische Fragen zu den Abeloitae in Augustins De haeresibus
Daniela Müller, Der augustinische Häresiebegriff als Grundlage für die Ketzerverfolgung im Mittelalter
Marcel Poorthuis, Judaism, Augustine and Pope Benedict XVI on the Plurality of Opinions
Matthias Smalbrugge, Le Fils prodigue vu par Augustin: un pas vers l’exclusivisme de la grâce
Paul Hendrik Fick, Traces of Augustinian ‘Gnosis’ in Julianus Pomerius’ De Vita Contemplativa

2. Studies in Manichaeism: Origins & Myth; Doctrines & Cult; Diffusion & Art

Eugenia Smagina, The Manichaean Cosmogonical Myth as a “Re-Written Bible”
Samuel N.C. Lieu & John S. Sheldon, Simplicius on Manichaean Cosmogony
Nils-Arne Pedersen, The Veil and Revelation of the Father of Greatness
Majella Franzmann, The Treasure of the Manichaean Spiritual Life
Iain Gardner, Manichaean Ritual Practice at Ancient Kellis: A New Understanding of the Meaning and Function of the So-Called Prayer of the Emanations
Tamila Mgaloblishvili and Stephen H. Rapp Jr., Manichaeism in Late Antique Georgia?
Erica Hunter, Syriac Sources and Manichaeism: A Five Hundred Year Trajectory
Jorinde Ebert, Four Fragments of Guardian Deities in a Manichaean Painting From Toyok in Berlin’s Turfan Collection Reassembled and Interpreted
Zsuzsanna Gulácsi, Chinese Manichaean Silk Painting
Takoa Moriyasu, The Discovery of Manichaean Paintings in Japan
and Their Historical Background

3. Studies in Manichaeism and Augustine: Doctrines; Polemics & Debates with Manichaean Contemporaries

J. Kevin Coyle, Jesus, Mani, and Augustine
Concetta Giuffrè Scibona, The Doctrine of the Soul in Manichaeism and Augustine
Gunner Mikkelsen, Augustine and His Sources: The “Devil’s Snares and Birdlime” in the Mouths of Manichaeans in East and West
Byard Bennett, Globus horribilis: The Role of the Bolos in Manichaean Eschatology and Its Polemical Transformation in Augustine’s Anti-Manichaean Writings
Andreas Grote, Optimi viri sanctissimique: Augustins Konzept einer Synthese von Askese und Pastoral in De moribus 1,65-80. Eine Replik auf manichäische Polemik
Jason D. BeDuhn, Did Augustine Win His Debate with Fortunatus?
Andreas Hoffmann, Secundinus in der Diskussion mit Augustinus über das malum: Beobachtungen zu den augustinischen Quellen der Epistula Secundini
Giulia Sfameni Gasparro, The Disputation with Felix: Themes and Modalities of Augustine’s Polemic

4. Studies in ‘Other Gnosticism’: Gnosticism and ‘Apocryphal’ Texts; Sources of (Ps.) Hippolytus’ Refutatio; the Gospel of Judas; Modern Yesidi Gnosticism

Tobias Nicklas, „Apokryph gewordene Schriften“? Gedanken zum Apokryphenbegriff bei großkirchlichen Autoren und in einigen „gnostischen“ Texten
Clemens Scholten, Quellen regen an: Beobachtungen zum „gnostischen Sondergut“ der Refutatio omnium haeresium
Madeleide Scopello, Motifs et expressions mystiques dans l’Évangile de Judas
Gerard Rouwhorst, The Gospel of Judas and Early Christian Eucharist
April D. DeConick, After the Gospel of Judas: Reassessing What We Have Known to be True about Cain and Judas
Eszter Spät, The Song of the Commoner: The Gnostic Call in Yezidi Oral Tradition

Jacob Albert van den Berg, Ph.D. (2009) in Theology (cum laude) at the Radboud University of Nijmegen, is minister in the Refomred Church in the Netherlands (Groningen).

Annemaré Kotzé, D.Litt. (2003) in Latin Literature, University of Stellenbosch, is a Lecturer in Latin, Greek and Ancient Cultures at the University of Stellenbosch.

Tobias Nicklas, Dr. theol. (2000), Habilitation (2004), is currently Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of Regensburg, Germany.

Madeleine Scopello, Doctor in Classics and Philosophy, University of Turin; HDR, University of Sorbonne, Paris, is Directeur de Recherche at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique at the University of Sorbonne, Paris.

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