Bergman | Chemical Lectures of H.T. Scheffer | Buch | 978-94-010-5100-2 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 14, 563 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 223 mm, Gewicht: 845 g

Reihe: Chemists and Chemistry


Chemical Lectures of H.T. Scheffer

Buch, Englisch, Band 14, 563 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 223 mm, Gewicht: 845 g

Reihe: Chemists and Chemistry

ISBN: 978-94-010-5100-2
Verlag: Springer Netherlands

I carne upon this collection o£ lec­ tures in chemistry by Henric Theophil Scheffer delivered in about 1750, edited by Torbern Bergman and published in Swed­ ish in 1775, when I was spending a sab­ batical leave in Uppsala. Sweden. in 1977, gathering material for my biography o£ Bergman (Coronado Press, 1985). I have written a chapter about "Sche££er's Lec­ tures" in my Bergman biography. I refer the reader to this biography for further discussion. Bergman says in his "Foreword" to "Sche££er"s Lectures" that he designed this collection £o~ use by "those like me who teach chemistry". So this is one o£ the first, i£ not the first, textbooks de­ signed to be used in classes in chemistry. That phrase. "one o£ the first. i£ not the £irst". is so typical o£ Bergman's work in many fields. Bergman is considered to be the father o£ quantitative chemical analysis, physical chemistry, modern chem­ ical nomenclature, the concept o£ equival­ ent weights. and the electromotive series.
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Weitere Infos & Material

First Section: Concerning Salts.- I: Salts in General.- II: About Acids.- III: Alkaline Salts.- IV: Neutral Salts About Neutral Salts.- V: Middle Salts.- Second Section: Concerning Earths.- I: On the Nature of Earths.- II: Fusing Earths.- Third Section: Concerning Water.- I: Water by Itself.- II: Testing Water.- Fourth Section:Concerning Combustible Substances.- I: Sulfur.- II: Spiritus Vini.- III: Ether.- IV: Oils and Fats.- Fifth Section: Concerning Metals.- I: Noble Metals.- II: Ignoble Metals.- III: Semi-metals.- Sixth Section: Concerning Dyeing.- I: Red Dye.- II: Yellow Dye.- III: Blue Dye.- IV: Black Dye.- Additions by Torbern Bergman.

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