Bisch / Labbe / Pecker | Earthquake Engineering - Invited Papers | Buch | 978-90-5809-027-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 368 Seiten, Gewicht: 794 g

Bisch / Labbe / Pecker

Earthquake Engineering - Invited Papers

Proceedings of the eleventh European conference, Paris, France, 6-11 September 1998

Buch, Englisch, 368 Seiten, Gewicht: 794 g

ISBN: 978-90-5809-027-0
Verlag: A A Balkema Publishers

This text details the findings of the 11th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Contents: Performance-based approaches for seismic assessment of existing structures; French advanced research on structural walls: An overview on recent seismic programs; Seismic microzonation of some municipalities of the Rubicone area (Emilia-Romagna region); Seismic hazards of the Mediterranean area; Value of earthquake field missions; Development and application of strong ground-motions in Europe; Seismic testing of structures; Soil and site characterization for seismic response analysis; Stabilized mixed finite elements for soil dynamics problems; The numerical simulation of buildings subjected to seismic loading: Application of an integrated modelling strategy; Seismic resistance experience in application to equipment of critical facilities; Seismic assessment and retrofit of R/C structures; Multiple earthquake event loss estimation methodology; Assessment of seismic structural vulnerability as a low-cycle fatigue process; Models for vulnerability analysis of monuments and strengthening criteria; Spatial variability of seismic ground motions: Stochastic techniques and physical patterns; Trends in seismic design and performance evaluation approaches; Seismic codes and new trends; The seismic design: State of practice; Capacity design principles for shallow foundations.
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