Black / White | Targeting Development | Buch | 978-0-415-39465-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 384 Seiten, Format (B × H): 162 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 581 g

Reihe: Routledge Studies in Development Economics

Black / White

Targeting Development

Critical Perspectives on the Millennium Development Goals

Buch, Englisch, 384 Seiten, Format (B × H): 162 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 581 g

Reihe: Routledge Studies in Development Economics

ISBN: 978-0-415-39465-9
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

The Millennium Development Goals accepted by the UN in 2000 are, along with the targets set by the OECD in 1996 the subject of this expertly written book. It asks and answers questions such as:

- Is development achievable in the time frames given?

- How useful were the goals in the first place?

- How far have we come in solving the aching problems of the developing world?

This impressive collection featuring an array of respected contributors and a preface from Mark Malloch Brown of the UNDP, will be required reading among development economists and those interested in development studies more generally. Perhaps more importantly, the lessons learned from this book shall need to be understood and acted upon by policy makers at both national and international levels.
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Postgraduate and Professional

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Millennium Development Goals: A Drop In The Ocean? 2. Heaven or Hubris: Reflections on the new 'New Poverty Agenda' 3. Using Development Goals and Targets for Donor Agency Performance Measurement 4. Using Development Goals to Design Country Stratagies 5. Monitoring Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals at Country Levels 6. Are the Millennium Development Goals Feasible? 7. Halving World Poverty 8. Towards Universal Primary Education 9. Promoting Gender Equality 10. Reducing Infant and Child Death 11. Towards Reproductive Health for all? 12. The Global Challenge of HIV/AIDS 13. Clean Water for all 14. Achieving Sustainability in Africa 15. Building a Global Partnership for Development? 16. Aid, Trade and Debt: How Equal is the Global Partnership?

Richard Black is Reader in Human Geography at the University of Sussex, UK. Howard White is a Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK. He is also co-author of Program Aid and Development and Econometrics and Data Analysis for Developing Countries both of which are also published by Routledge.

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