Blackwell | More String Time Joggers | Buch | 978-0-19-351826-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 32 Seiten, Format (B × H): 232 mm x 310 mm, Gewicht: 135 g


More String Time Joggers

Buch, Englisch, 32 Seiten, Format (B × H): 232 mm x 310 mm, Gewicht: 135 g

ISBN: 978-0-19-351826-1
Verlag: OUP Oxford

More String Time Joggers is a welcome addition to the ensemble repertoire for beginner strings from the authors of the award-winning Fiddle Time series. This exciting collection provides inventive and enjoyable ensemble material for all string groups, whatever their size.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Kathy Blackwell, B. Mus. (Hons.), LTCL, LGSM, studied music at Edinburgh University and continued with post-graduate studies in music at the University of Oxford. Kathy is a string teacher with many years experience of teaching violin and viola. She developed her teaching ideas at the coalface in both Music Services and in private practice, working with groups large and small and in one-to-one lessons. She was a strings consultant for the ABRSM Music Medals
initiative, a new assessment specifically designed for students taught in groups, and a contributor to the accompanying book All together! Teaching Music in Groups (ABRSM, 2004). Her teaching experience has led her to co-author Fiddle, Viola, and Cello Time, published by Oxford University Press, with her
husband, David. Kathy and David have presented workshops in the UK, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

David Blackwell studied music at Edinburgh University, after which he pursued a career in music publishing, first at ABRSM and then at Oxford University Press. He is co-editor of OUP's In the Mood: 17 Jazz Classics for Choirs and Carols for Choirs 5, and has published a number of single choral arrangements. He is co-writer with his wife Kathy of OUP's award-winning string series, Fiddle, Viola, Cello Time, and String Time, which have twice
won the MIA award for Best Educational Publication. He now works as a freelance music editor, composer and arranger.

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