Bonitsis / Brown | Quantity and Quality in Economic Research | Buch | 978-0-367-00050-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 271 Seiten, Gewicht: 476 g

Reihe: Routledge Revivals

Bonitsis / Brown

Quantity and Quality in Economic Research

Studies in Applied Business Research: Volume IV

Buch, Englisch, 271 Seiten, Gewicht: 476 g

Reihe: Routledge Revivals

ISBN: 978-0-367-00050-9
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

First published in 1997, this volume responded to a current national concern with quality control. Part 1 addresses issues including the US trade deficit, international lending to Brazil and the traditional theory of international finance. Part 2 explores topics such as the history of statistics in the West and former East and the haphazard axiomatic methodological basis of traditional econometrics. Finally, part 3 consists of 7 papers on applied economics and finance, including predicting the success of takeover bids and an examination of the economic determinants of juvenile crime in New York City.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1. Issues in International Financial Economics. 1. Deciphering the U.S. Trade Deficit: a Two-Country Model Approach. Theologos Homer Bonitsis and Ioannis N. Kallianiotis. 2. Pricing of Syndicated Eurocurrency Loans to Brazil. Krishna M. Kasibhatla. 3. A Policy Orientation of the Criticisms of the Traditional Theory of International Finance in the Context of Fixed Exchange Rates. John Malindretos and Demetri Tsanacas. 4. The Influence of Multinational Bank Entry on Host Country Market Structure: a Case Study of Spain. Luis Eduardo Rivera-Solis. 5. Models of International Trade and of International Travel: A Comparative Review. Petros Anastasopoulos. Part 2. Issues in Statistical Science and Economics. 6. The Analysis of 2 x 2 Tables. Vladislav V. Shvyrkov. 7. Contrasting Approaches to Socio-Economic Statistics in East and West. Othmar W. Winkler. 8. Econometrics: the Way the Cook Chooses! Renuka Jain and Robin Rowley. Part 3. Issues in Applied Economics and Finance. 9. Emerging Expenditure Patterns and Marketing Strategies for State Lotteries. Nick L. Nicholas. 10. The Development of an International Service Market Opportunity Index. Richard Telofski and Joe Kim. 11. Industry Influences on Market Reaction to Stock Split Announcements. Nikos I. Floros George P. Tsetsekos. 12. A Logit Model of Success of Takeover Bids. Siamack Shojai and Seth A. Kurland. 13. An Analysis of the Home Mortgage Refinancing Decision. Maury Randall and Kuang-Chian Chen. 14. The Impact of SFAS No. 52 on Analysts’ Forecast Errors: An Empirical Analysis. Augustine Arize and Gordian A. Ndubizu. 15. Economic Determinants of Juvenile Crime: A Case Study of New York City. Farahmand Rezvani, Theologos Home Bonitsis and David T. Geithman.

Theologos Homer Bonitsis, Roy Chamberlain Brown

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