Borris | The Grow or Die Ultimatum | Buch | 978-1-4987-5683-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 277 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 560 g


The Grow or Die Ultimatum

Buch, Englisch, 277 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 560 g

ISBN: 978-1-4987-5683-9
Verlag: Productivity Press

This book focusses on a parallel approach that ensures successful acquisitions are strategic and cultural fits, which meet all synergy goals while at the same time optimizing and growing the current business. Busiensses must run effectively before they are built upon them through acquisition. These same tools that we use in the preparatory phase while optimizing our current business including Lean, Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints become the catalyst that will maximize business growth, cash flow and net profits for the expanded business in the long term. They are transferrable and form an integral part of "the glue" that holds the newly acquired company and the core business together.
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Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: To acquire or to be acquired. Chapter 2: M&A in the cold light of day. Chapter 3: Preparing the message for the board. Chapter 4: Expectations are reset on M&A valuations. Chapter 5: Getting your own house in order --The division president’s performance updates. Chapter 6: Summary update for the chair of the board. Chapter 7: The help arrives. Chapter 8: Establishing the mandate and gated approach. Chapter 9: John and Rory get reacquainted. Chapter 10: The search for our M&A Broker. Chapter 11: Expect resistance -- Doing the rounds with the division presidents. Chapter 12: The strategic review. Chapter 13: Defining the M&A targets. Chapter 14: The business analysis training -- think, think, think. Chapter 15: Selecting the right broker. Chapter 16: Initial internal analysis findings. Chapter 17: Four point planning. Chapter 18: At the heart of every problem there is a nut to crack. Chapter 19: Corporate culture. Chapter 20: The project plan.Chapter 21: Communication and final broker selection. Chapter 22: Due diligence -- don’t fall in love too soon. Chapter 23: Due diligence 2 -- What was that again? Chapter 24: Due diligence 3 -- look before you leap. Chapter 25: Due diligence 4. Chapter 26: The communications strategy. Chapter 27: Rory McGregor. Chapter 28: Status update to the chairman of the board. Chapter 29: A high performance culture. Chapter 30: Spreading the message -- Train the Trainer skills. Chapter 31: The M&A shortlist. Chapter 32: What we are working with is time and space –Synchronous. Chapter 33: Preliminary acquisition meetings -- the faces behind the deals. Chapter 34: And more preliminary meetings. Chapter 35 Go-No Go -- Do these fit? Chapter 36: Planning the coming due diligence. Chapter 37: Details for the due diligence – questions, questions, questions. Chapter 38: The due diligence is launched. Chapter 39: In the final analysis. Chapter 40: The numbers are in. Chapter 41: An integrated approach. Chapter 42: Two years in. Chapter 43: Three years in. Chapter 44: Four years in. Chapter 45: Five years in.

Daniel Borris -- Executive consultant Daniel Borris & Associates; Managing Director Teletech Australia and New Zealand; Chief Operating Officer Minacs Worldwide; President and COO PCL Plastics.

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