Bridger | Employee Engagement | Buch | 978-1-3986-0516-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 296 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 603 g

Reihe: HR Fundamentals


Employee Engagement

A Practical Introduction

Buch, Englisch, 296 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 603 g

Reihe: HR Fundamentals

ISBN: 978-1-3986-0516-9
Verlag: Kogan Page

How can I create engagement strategies that will empower employees to succeed? This book offers a practical resource for developing an effective engagement strategy aligned to business objectives.

An engaged workforce is essential to the performance and success of any organization. Featuring practical tools and templates, Employee Engagement provides comprehensive coverage of all stages of the engagement process, from planning initiatives to building and measuring their success.

This updated third edition presents engagement strategies that account for recent workplace developments, from remote working to creating psychological safety. It also includes updates on the evolving technology trends that impact engagement and guidance on how to create strategies that are inclusive of all employees. With examples and case studies from organizations such as AXA PPP Healthcare, EDF Energy and Marks & Spencer, Employee Engagement is essential reading for HR students and professionals. Online supporting resources include diagnostic tools, templates and additional best-practice case studies.

HR Fundamentals is a series of succinct, practical guides featuring exercises, examples and case studies. They are ideal for students and those in the early stages of their HR careers.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter - 00: Introduction; Chapter - 01: What is employee engagement?; Chapter - 02: Does engagement matter?; Chapter - 03: Developing your employee engagement strategy; Chapter - 04: How it works; Chapter - 05: Employee engagement: How do you do it?; Chapter - 06: Employee engagement tools and techniques; Chapter - 07: Planning and action; Chapter - 08: Measuring engagement; Chapter - 09: The future of employee engagement

Bridger, Emma
Emma Bridger is an award-winning employee engagement specialist and Director of People Lab, an Employee Engagement Consultancy that works with high-profile clients worldwide. With over 18 years' experience gained in a variety of roles, Emma began her career lecturing on graduate and post-graduate courses in psychology, her specialist area being behaviour change.

Emma has designed and developed the CIPD range of short Employee Engagement courses as well as contributing to the UK Government Review 'Engaging for Success'. She now advises the Government taskforce on engagement as part of the 'guru group'. Emma is also a regular conference speaker and case studies detailing her work have been published in industry journals. In 2021 she was named as one of the Most Influential HR Thinkers by HR Magazine.

Emma Bridger is an award-winning employee engagement specialist and Director of People Lab, an employee engagement consultancy that works with high-profile clients worldwide. Based in Hastings, UK, she has designed and developed the CIPD range of public and in-house employee engagement courses and is a regular conference speaker. She contributed to the UK Government Review Engaging for Success and is a member of the Engage for Success movement as part of its "guru group". In 2021, she was named as one of the Most Influential HR Thinkers by HR Magazine.

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