Budras / McCarthy / Fricke | Anatomy of the Dog | Buch | 978-3-89993-018-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, GB, Format (B × H): 245 mm x 343 mm, Gewicht: 1588 g

Budras / McCarthy / Fricke

Anatomy of the Dog

An Illustrated Text, Fifth Edition

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, GB, Format (B × H): 245 mm x 343 mm, Gewicht: 1588 g

ISBN: 978-3-89993-018-4
Verlag: Schlütersche

A revised edition of this superbly illustrated atlas with a new section on computed tomography. Illustrations include colour line diagrams, radiographs, ultrasound and CT scans providing the reader with detailed information on the structure and function of all the body systems and their interaction in the living animal.Already acknowledged by students and teachers as an essential resource for learning and revision, this new edition is also a valuable reference for practitioners.
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Weitere Infos & Material

ReferencesIntroduction to AnatomyTopographical AnatomyChapter 1: Surface of the Body and Axial Skeleton1. Division of the animal body2. Skin (common integument)3. Cutaneous glands, modifications of the skin, digital end-organs4. Vertebral column and thorax5. Articulations of the vertebral column and of the thorax; atlanto-occipital joint and atlanto-axial joints(A. WÜNSCHE and K.-D. BUDRAS)Chapter 2: Neck and Chest Region (Cervical and Thoracic Region)1. Cutaneous muscles and cutaneous nerves of the neck and thoracic wall2. Dorsal extrinsic limb muscles3. Ventral extrinsic limb muscles4. Nerves, vessels, and visceral organs of the neckChapter 3: Thoracic Limb1. The skeleton of the thoracic limb2. Medial veins of the thoracic limb; medial shoulder and arm muscles and their nerve supply3. Lateral veins of the thoracic limb; lateral shoulder and arm muscles and their nerve supply4. Antebrachial (forearm) muscles and their nerve supply5. Vessels and nerves of the thoracic limb6. Synovial structures of the thoracic limb (A. WÜNSCHE and K.-D. BUDRAS)Chapter 4: Thoracic and Abdominal Wall1. Muscles of the vertebral column, nuchal ligament and lumbar cutaneous nerves2. Respiratory muscles3. Body wall, prepuce, and mammary glands (Mammae)4. Abdominal muscles, rectus sheath, prepubic tendon5. Inguinal region, inguinal space (inguinal canal), neuromuscular and vascular lacunaeChapter 5: Thoracic Cavity1. Lungs, tracheal bifurcation and bronchi2. Blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic system of the lungs; aortic arch; lymph nodes of the thoracic cavity, thymus3. Thoracic cavity, pleura, and veins of the thoracic cavity4. Heart, surface of the heart, heart wall and relationships in the interior of the heart5. Heart, coronary vessels, heart valves, cardiac conduction system6. Autonomic nervous systemChapter 6: Abdominal Cavity1. Topography of the abdominal organs and relationships of the peritoneum2. Peritoneal cavity, lymph nodes of stomach and intestine, cisterna chyli and spleen3. Stomach and small intestine, pancreas4. Large intestine, blood vessels of stomach and intestine5. Liver and gall bladder (H. BRAGULLA and K.-D. BUDRAS)6. Autonomic nervous system, abdominal aorta, caudal vena cava, sublumbar muscles and the lumbar plexusChapter 7: Urinary and Genital Organs, Pelvis1. Urinary organs2. Urinary bladder and peritoneal relationships of the genital organs3. Female genital organs4. Male genital organs, lymphatic system of the lumbar and pelvic regions5. Arteries, veins and nerves of the pelvic cavity, adrenal glands6. Pelvic diaphragm, ischiorectal fossa; associated arteries, veins and nerves7. Smooth muscle of the pelvic diaphragm and the bony pelvic girdleChapter 8: Pelvic Limb1. The skeleton of the pelvic limb2. Muscles of the hip joint and their nerve supply3. The medial saphenous vein, obturator nerve, femoral nerve, medial thigh muscles, femoral space (femoral canal)4. The lateral saphenous vein, common peroneal nerve and tibial nerve; crural (leg) muscles and popliteus muscle5. Arteries and accompanying vessels and nerves of the pelvic limb6. Synovial structures of the pelvic limb (S. REESE and K.-D. BUDRAS)Chapter 9: Head1. Skull, including the hyoid apparatus2. Skull, paranasal sinuses3. Lymphatic system, superficial veins of the head, facial nerve (VII)4. Facial muscles and mandibular muscles5. Internal (deep) muscles of mastication, trigeminal nerve (V), mandibular nerve (V3), maxillary nerve (V2)6. Lacrimal apparatus, optic nerve (II), ophthalmic nerve (V1), nerves and muscles of the eye, and external nose7. Nose, larynx, oral cavity and pharynx8. Pharyngeal muscles, cranial nerves of the vagus group (IX, X, XI), autonomic nervous system of the head, arteries of the head,external acoustic meatus9. Tongue, lingual muscles, hypoglossal nerve (XII), salivary glands, and dentition10.Joints of the head (S. REESE and K.-D. BUDRAS)Chapter 10: Central Nervous System1. Spinal cord and meninges2. Brain (Encephalon) and its meningeal coverings3. Cerebrum (Telencephalon), brain stem and limbic system4. Rhinencephalon, sites of egression of the cranial nerves, arterial supply of the brain5. Cerebral veins, sinuses of the dura mater, cerebral ventricles and choroid plexusesChapter 11: Sense organs1. The eye (P. SIMOENS and K.-D. BUDRAS)2. The ear (H. KÖNIG and K.-D. BUDRAS)3. Olfactory and gustatory (chemical) senses; superficial, deep, and visceral sensibilityTables, Special Anatomy1. Myology2. Lymphology3. Cranial nerves (C. HERRMANN and K.-D. BUDRAS)General Anatomy1. Osteology: membranous and chondral ossification; growth of bones in length and diameter2. Osteology: structure and form of bone and cartilage3. Arthrology: the connections of bones and the form of joints4. Myology: general myology5. Myology: skeletal musculature and its accessory structures6. Nervous system7. Endocrine system8. Cardiovascular system (R. HIRSCHBERG)9. Lymphatic system (H.-G. LIEBICH and K.-D. BUDRAS)10.Glands, mucous membranes, and serous membranesIntroduction to the physics of radiographic and ultrasound diagnostic techniques (C. POULSEN NAUTRUP)Introduction to Computed Tomography and Anatomy of the CT Scan (C. NÖLLER)Contributions to Clinical and Functional AnatomyIndex

Klaus-Dieter Budras, DVM, PhD, Professor, Free University of Berlin, Dept. of Anatomy, Germany
Wolfgang Fricke, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Renate Richter, Free University of Berlin, Germany
P. H. McCarthy, DVM, PhD, Professor, University of Sydney, Australia

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