Burke | Forensic Pathology of Fractures and Mechanisms of Injury | Buch | 978-1-4398-8148-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 273 Seiten, Format (B × H): 288 mm x 222 mm, Gewicht: 1154 g


Forensic Pathology of Fractures and Mechanisms of Injury

Postmortem CT Scanning

Buch, Englisch, 273 Seiten, Format (B × H): 288 mm x 222 mm, Gewicht: 1154 g

ISBN: 978-1-4398-8148-4
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Inc

Practitioners of forensic medicine have various tools at their disposal to determine cause of death, and today’s computed tomography (CT) can provide valuable clues if images are interpreted properly. Forensic Pathology of Fractures and Mechanisms of Injury: Postmortem CT Scanning is a guide for the forensic pathologist who wants to use CT imaging to assist in determining the mechanism of injury that might have contributed to death.

Advice from a forensic pathologist using CT images in daily practice

Drawn from the author’s work at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, the book presents an overview of his experience with CT in routine casework, provides an appraisal of the literature with respect to fractures, and offers suggestions for the evaluation of CT images by pathologists. He then suggests what reasonable conclusions can be drawn from the images, the circumstances surrounding the death, and an external examination of the deceased.

Includes images and case studies

Enhanced with hundreds of CT images that clarify the text and case studies to put the material in context, the book begins by discussing classification of injuries and different types of fractures. It then explores the basics of CT. Next, the book gives a head-to-toe catalogue of various injuries and how they are represented on a CT scan. Finally, the book explores the use of CT in difficult forensic cases such as decomposed and burnt remains, falls, child abuse, and transportation incidents.

While not intended to make a forensic pathologist an expert at CT image interpretation, the book enables these professionals to become familiar with the technology so they can competently use it in their practice, heightening the accuracy of their cause of death determinations.
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Forensic pathologists and radiologists, death investigators, forensic nurses, and criminal justice and medico-legal professionals.


Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction of Computed Tomography (CT) into Routine Forensic Pathology Practice Introduction The Victorian Model The Introduction of Postmortem CT Current Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (VIFM) System Decision-Making Process Cause of Death Family Contact Program CT in Trauma CT in Tissue Donation Errors in CT Diagnosis by Forensic Pathologists Proficiency Standard of Forensic Pathologists in Analysis of CT Images CT Education for Forensic Pathologists Deficiencies of CT in Routine Forensic Practice Audit Practical Issues in the Use of CT in Routine Forensic Practice Illustrative Case Studies Classification of Injuries Introduction Types of Skin Injury Other Skin and Soft Tissue Injuries Inflammation and Artifacts Postmortem Insect Predation The Forensic Importance of Skin Injuries Case Study Fractures Anatomy of Bone Fractures Pediatric Fractures Case Study Computed Tomography Introduction Basic Principles of CT Evolution of CT Scanning Reconstruction in CT Scanning The Detection of Foreign Materials by MDCTPractical Issues in CT ScanningArtifacts in CT Scanning Fracture Diagnosis Pediatric Fractures and CTPractical Guidelines for Forensic Pathologists Reading CT Scans Common Fracture Complications Seen on CT Head: Skull, Face, and Hyoid Bone Skull Facial FracturesSpine Vertebral Column Cervical Spine Thoracolumbar Spine Anatomy The Concept of the Three Spinal Columns Cervicothoracic Junction Thoracolumbar Spine Etiology Mechanism CT Diagnosis of Thoracolumbar Fractures Forensic Issues in Thoracolumbar Fractures ReferencesChest Ribs Sternum Scapula Clavicle Upper Limbs Humerus UlnaRadius Carpal BonesMetacarpals and Phalanges Shoulder Dislocation Elbow Fracture DislocationWrist Fracture Dislocation Forensic Aspects of Upper Limb InjuryPelvis Anatomy Etiology Avulsion FracturesPediatric Pelvic Fractures CT Diagnosis of Pelvic Fractures Forensic Aspects of Pelvic Fractures Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Case Study 3 Lower LimbsFemur Patella Tibia Fibula Forensic Issues in Fractures to the Lower Leg Fractures Involving the FootJoint Injury to the Lower Leg The Use of CT in Difficult Forensic Cases Decomposed and Burnt RemainsFalls Child AbuseTransportation IncidentsConcluding Remarks Index

Burke, Michael P.
Michael P. Burke, Forensic Pathologist, Victoria Institute of Forensic Medicine

Michael P. Burke has been a consulting forensic pathologist for 18 years and has performed 12,500 autopsies. He has worked in Kosovo as part of the United Nations investigation of war crimes and was part of the team investigating the Port Arthur massacre in Hobart, Tasmania.

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