Chapman | Radiology and Imaging of the Colon | Buch | 978-3-642-62314-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 324 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 193 mm x 270 mm, Gewicht: 747 g

Reihe: Medical Radiology


Radiology and Imaging of the Colon

Buch, Englisch, 324 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 193 mm x 270 mm, Gewicht: 747 g

Reihe: Medical Radiology

ISBN: 978-3-642-62314-1
Verlag: Springer

Radiology has seen dramatic technological advances in recent years. This multi-author text describes the current approach to colonic imaging and provides a detailed insight into likely future developments. The role of radiology in cancer screening is fully considered. In this context, particular attention is devoted to CT and MR virtual colonography, which, it is anticipated, will largely replace barium enema radiology and reduce the use of diagnostic colonoscopy. Modern cancer staging techniques, including PET scanning, are reviewed, and post-treatment follow-up strategies are examined. The imaging of inflammatory and traumatic conditions of the colon is described, as are current colonic interventional options, such as tumour stenting, colon decompression and vascular embolisation. In short, this book provides a comprehensive, well-illustrated and up-to-date review of colonic imaging.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1 Screening for Colorectal Cancer.- 2 Screening Those at High Risk for Colorectal Cancer.- 3 The Significance of the Flat Adenoma.- 4 The Pathology of Large Bowel Polyps.- 5 An Introduction to Imaging Colonic Neoplasms.- 6 Virtual Colonography.- 7 Dietary Faecal Tagging.- 8 MR Colonography.- 9 Self-Expanding Metal Colonic Stents.- 10 Endorectal Ultrasound in Rectal Carcinoma.- 11 Rectal Tumours — MRI.- 12 Staging and Follow-Up of Colorectal Cancer.- 13 Positron Emission Tomography in the Management of Colon Cancer.- 14 Sonography and Appendicitis in Adults: Current Status.- 15 CT of Appendicitis.- 16 CT of Diverticulitis.- 17 Diagnosing Inflammatory Bowel Disease — Is There Still a Case for Barium Enema?.- 18 Ultrasound of Colitis.- 19 CT of Colitis.- 20 MRI of Colitis.- 21 Colonic Scintigraphy.- 22 CT Angiography of Splanchnic Vessels.- 23 Diagnosis and Management of Acute Colonic Bleeding.- 24 Colonic Lymphoma.- 25 Colorectal Trauma.- 26 The Diagnosis and Management of Colonic Obstruction and Pseudo-Obstruction.- 27 Barium Radiology of Unusual Colonic Morphology.- 28 New Developments in Colonoscopy.- List of Contributors.

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