Chowdhury / Matsuura / Kruczek | Polyphenylene Oxide and Modified Polyphenylene Oxide Membranes | Buch | 978-0-7923-7511-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 334 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 1470 g

Chowdhury / Matsuura / Kruczek

Polyphenylene Oxide and Modified Polyphenylene Oxide Membranes

Gas, Vapor and Liquid Separation

Buch, Englisch, 334 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 1470 g

ISBN: 978-0-7923-7511-1
Verlag: Springer US

Fluid-membrane material interfaces, morphologies of membrane surface and the sub-layer underneath the membrane surface, and fluid transport through the membrane governed by the above interface and morphology parameters, and driving forces involved in process operatio- all these three aspects together constitute the fundamental physico-chemical and engineering basis for the practical success of Membrane Separation Technology (MST) in all its applications. Quantitative data on the above interface and morphology parameters and applicable transport equations involving the above parameters, are needed for membrane design, specification of membranes, modules and systems, and prediction of their performance for any given separation application. Even though more than 40 years have elapsed since the emergence of the field of MST, there are very few books which deal with all the above three aspects of the subject in an integrated manner. This simply shows that the field of MST is still in its early stages of development and only a small fraction of its vast potential has been practically realized to-date. Still, what has already accomplished is extraordinary both in its scope, and in its impact, on scientific research and service to society at large.
Chowdhury / Matsuura / Kruczek Polyphenylene Oxide and Modified Polyphenylene Oxide Membranes jetzt bestellen!



Weitere Infos & Material

1. Chemical Modification of Poly (Phenylene Oxide)s.- 2. Gas Permeation through the Films of Polyphenylene Oxides.- 3. Gas Permeation through Sulfonated Polyphenylene Oxide.- 4. Advances in the Development of Modified Polyphenylene Membranes for Gas Separation Applications.- 5. Poly (2,6-Di-Methyl-l,4-PhenyIene Oxide) Hollow Fibres for Gas Separation.- 6. Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration by Composite Polyphenylene Oxide Membranes.- 7. Pulp and Paper Waste water Treatment by Composite Polyphenylene Oxide Membranes.- 8. Characterization of Polyphenylene Oxide and Modified Polyphenylene Oxide Membranes.- 9. Dehydration of Methane Gas by Modified Polyphenylene Oxide Homogeneous Membranes.

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