Cimino / Shortliffe | Biomedical Informatics | Buch | 978-1-4471-6804-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 965 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 20448 g

Cimino / Shortliffe

Biomedical Informatics

Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine

Buch, Englisch, 965 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 20448 g

ISBN: 978-1-4471-6804-1
Verlag: Springer

The practice of modern medicine and biomedical research requires sophisticated information technologies with which to manage patient information, plan diagnostic procedures, interpret laboratory results, and carry out investigations. Biomedical Informatics provides both a conceptual framework and a practical inspiration for this swiftly emerging scientific discipline at the intersection of computer science, decision science, information science, cognitive science, and biomedicine. Now revised and in its third edition, this text meets the growing demand by practitioners, researchers, and students for a comprehensive introduction to key topics in the field. Authored by leaders in medical informatics and extensively tested in their courses, the chapters in this volume constitute an effective textbook for students of medical informatics and its areas of application. The book is also a useful reference work for individual readers needing to understand the role that computers can play in the provision of clinical services and the pursuit of biological questions. The volume is organized so as first to explain basic concepts and then to illustrate them with specific systems and technologies.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Biomedical Informatics: The Science and the Pragmatics.- Biomedical Data: Their Acquisition, Storage, and Use.- Biomedical Decision Making: Probabilistic Clinical Reasoning.- Cognitive Science and Biomedical Informatics.- Computer Architectures for Health Care and Biomedicine.- Software Engineering for Health Care and Biomedicine.- Standards in Biomedical Informatics.- Natural Language Processing in Health Care and Biomedicine.- Biomedical Imaging Informatics.- Ethics and Biomedical and Health Informatics: Users, Standards, and Outcomes.- Evaluation of Biomedical and Health Information Resources.- Electronic Health Record Systems.- The Health Information Infrastructure.- Management of Information in Health Care Organizations.- Patient-Centered Care Systems.- Public Health Informatics.- Consumer Health Informatics and Personal Health Records.- Telehealth.- Patient Monitoring Systems.- Imaging Systems in Radiology.- Information Retrieval and Digital Libraries.- Clinical Decision-Support Systems.- Computers in Health Care Education.- Bioinformatics.- Translational Bioinformatics.- Clinical Research Informatics.- Health Information Technology Policy.- The Future of Informatics in Biomedicine.

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