Ciocon / Bae | Procedural Dermatology, Set Volume 1 and Volume 2 | Medienkombination | 978-3-13-245513-9 |

Medienkombination, Englisch, 542 Seiten, Hardback (Thread Stitching), Format (B × H): 195 mm x 270 mm

Ciocon / Bae

Procedural Dermatology, Set Volume 1 and Volume 2

Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium
1. Auflage 2023
ISBN: 978-3-13-245513-9
Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag

Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium

Medienkombination, Englisch, 542 Seiten, Hardback (Thread Stitching), Format (B × H): 195 mm x 270 mm

ISBN: 978-3-13-245513-9
Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag

Procedural Dermatology Volume I: Reconstruction

Procedural Dermatology Volume II: Laser and Cosmetic Surgery

Both volumes are edited by esteemed dermatologists Yoon-Soo Cindy Bae and David H.Ciocon.

Volume I provides a comprehensive review of the latest techniques in surgical reconstruction after Mohs surgery based on the location of the defect. The content reflects years of firsthand expertise from an impressive group of internationally recognized reconstructive surgery experts, who contributed chapters on evidence-based surgical, cosmetic, and laser techniques.

Volume II presents minimally invasive and non-invasive procedures to treat a wide range of cosmetic issues and conditions. Twenty-four consistently organized chapters from dermatology pioneers cover the most up-to-date developments in cosmetic dermatology with expert guidance.
Ciocon / Bae Procedural Dermatology, Set Volume 1 and Volume 2 jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Volume I
1 Facial, Scalp, Neck, Hands, Lower Extremities, and Genital Anatomy
2 Reconstruction of the Forehead Unit
3 Reconstruction of the Nasal Unit
4 Reconstruction of the Eyelid Units
5 Reconstruction of the Cheek
6 Reconstruction of the Upper and Lower Lip Unit
7 Reconstruction of the Mental Unit
8 Reconstruction of the Ear
9 Reconstruction of the Neck Unit
10 Reconstruction of the Scalp
11 Reconstruction of the Hand and Nail Unit after Mohs Surgery
12 Reconstruction of the Genital
13 Reconstruction of Lower Legs
14 Reconstruction of Scars
15 Mohs and Melanoma
16 Prevention and Repair of Internal Nasal Valve Dysfunction for the Reconstructive Surgeon

Volume II
1 Nonablative Rejuvenation
2 Ablative Rejuvenation
3 Body Contouring
4 Cellulite Treatment
5 Skin Laxity: Microneedling
6 Scar Treatments
7 Pigmented Lesion Removal
8 Lasers and Light Devices for Hair Removal
9 Tattoo Removal
10 Leg Vein Treatment
11 Lasers and Lights in Acne
12 Chemical Peels
13 Light-Emitting Diode Photomodulation
14 Combining Treatments
15 Neuromodulators and Injection Technique
16 Soft-Tissue Augmentation with Dermal Fillers
17 Procedural Hair Restoration: Platelet-Rich Plasma for Hair Loss and Hair Transplant
18 Blepharoplasty, Lower Facelift, and Brow Lift
19 Devices and Treatment Options for Axillary Hyperhidrosis
20 Thread Lifts
21 Cosmeceuticals
22 Kybella/Deoxycholic Acid/Off-Label Uses
23 High-Definition Body Contouring: Advancing Traditional Liposuction through Experience
24 Fat Transfer

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