Ciocon / Bae | Procedural Dermatology Volume I: Reconstruction | Medienkombination | 978-3-13-242405-0 |

Medienkombination, Englisch, 228 Seiten, Hardback (Thread Stitching), Format (B × H): 205 mm x 277 mm, Gewicht: 877 g

Reihe: Procedural dermatology

Ciocon / Bae

Procedural Dermatology Volume I: Reconstruction

Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium

Medienkombination, Englisch, 228 Seiten, Hardback (Thread Stitching), Format (B × H): 205 mm x 277 mm, Gewicht: 877 g

Reihe: Procedural dermatology

ISBN: 978-3-13-242405-0
Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag

A comprehensive, practical resource on reconstructive techniques after Mohs surgery

Since the 1980s, dermatologists have increasingly assumed the reins of surgical reconstruction after Mohs micrographic surgery of the head and neck, as well as delicate areas of the hands, feet, and genitalia. Volume I of Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium, edited by esteemed dermatologists David H. Ciocon and Yoon-Soo Cindy Bae, provides a comprehensive review of the latest techniques in surgical reconstruction after Mohs surgery based on the location of the defect. The content reflects years of firsthand expertise from an impressive group of internationally recognized reconstructive surgery experts, who contributed chapters on evidence-based surgical, cosmetic, and laser techniques.

Key Features

  • Editors are fellowship trained, double board-certified in dermatology and micrographic dermatologic surgery
  • Contributions from pioneers in the field, including Richard Bennett and John Zitelli
  • A concise, algorithmic approach enhances acquisition of knowledge, while allowing treatment tailored to individual cases
  • Sixteen consistently formatted chapters discuss anatomic-specific reconstructive techniques from the scalp to the lower legs, as well as scar revision, melanoma, and prevention and repair of internal nasal valve dysfunction

This is the quintessential resource on restorative surgery after Mohs surgery for dermatology fellows and clinicians who are new to practice. It will also benefit seasoned dermatologic surgeons looking to hone and expand their existing techniques.

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Weitere Infos & Material

1 Facial, Scalp, Neck, Hands, Lower Extremities, and Genital Anatomy
2 Reconstruction of the Forehead Unit
3 Reconstruction of the Nasal Unit
4 Reconstruction of the Eyelid Units
5 Reconstruction of the Cheek
6 Reconstruction of the Upper and Lower Lip Unit
7 Reconstruction of the Mental Unit
8 Reconstruction of the Ear
9 Reconstruction of the Neck Unit
10 Reconstruction of the Scalp
11 Reconstruction of the Hand and Nail Unit after Mohs Surgery
12 Reconstruction of the Genital
13 Reconstruction of Lower Legs
14 Reconstruction of Scars
15 Mohs and Melanoma
16 Prevention and Repair of Internal Nasal Valve Dysfunction for the Reconstructive Surgeon

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