Collins / Young | Beyond 2.0 | Buch | 978-1-84553-938-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 162 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 257 g

Reihe: Music Industry Studies

Collins / Young

Beyond 2.0

Buch, Englisch, 162 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 257 g

Reihe: Music Industry Studies

ISBN: 978-1-84553-938-2
Verlag: Equinox Publishing Ltd

Description The music industry, as with most other media forms, is in the middle of a period of enormous transformation. Digital technologies have empowered producers and consumers of music - traditional ways of making and distributing music are under threat as musicians and their audiences embrace new opportunities, many of which bypass the incumbent middlemen. Whilst it is clear that the music industry is thriving, the traditional recording industry, dominated by a handful of multinational corporations is struggling to stay relevant. The changes are so dramatic that the term "Music 2.0" has become commonly used to delineate old and new business models and approaches. But the demise of the traditional music industry is overstating things - the reality is that (whilst their profits may be diminishing) they still dominate a multi-billion dollar marketplace and exercise unprecedented control over the star-making process. And, of course, they have the resources to be able to reinvent themselves. The actual future of music is a complex and contested one. This book aims to unpack that complexity, map the changes and explain the causes and motivations surrounding an industry undergoing change. It explores the world of popular music from three distinct perspectives. Firstly, it examines the new opportunities available to consumers of music - interrogating how the lines between production and consumption are blurring, creating fans who do much more than just listen to music. Secondly, it draws on interviews with a diverse range of musicians explaining their place in the brave new world and trying to articulate their newly defined roles. Finally, it examines the industry itself, and unpack the responses to current challenges from new and old players alike.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction 1. The Technology of Music 2. Rise of the Machine 3. Digital Music 4. The New Intermediaries 5. Star Wars 6. What about Me? 7. Shaking the Foundations 8. It's the Music, Stupid Appendix 1 Bibliography Discography Filmography

Steve Collins is a Lecturer in Multimedia in Department of Media, Music and Cultural Studies at Macquarie University. Sherman Young is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Media, Music and Cultural Studies at Macquarie University.

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