Copeland / Dolgoff | Outperform with Expectations-Based Management | Buch | 978-0-471-73875-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 384 Seiten, Format (B × H): 162 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 588 g

Copeland / Dolgoff

Outperform with Expectations-Based Management

A State-Of-The-Art Approach to Creating and Enhancing Shareholder Value

Buch, Englisch, 384 Seiten, Format (B × H): 162 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 588 g

ISBN: 978-0-471-73875-6
Verlag: Wiley

CEOs and managers live and die by delivering superior performance to shareholders. This is why expectations-based management has been developed. Outperform with Expectations-Based Management (EBM) introduces a revolutionary new performance metric that links performance standards, performance measurement, and the achievement of performance.

It's easy to say that if a CEO can get performance measurement right, then performance improvement will follow. But what is the "right" measure of performance, and how do you use it to improve performance? Authors Tom Copeland and Aaron Dolgoff answer these questions and many more, as they show you how to find the measure of performance that has the strongest link to the creation of wealth for the owners of both public and private companies. They answer the puzzle of why growth in earnings is not correlated with shareholder returns and explain the under- and over-investment traps. And they explain how clear communications to investors and managers alike improve value.

The bottom line is that share prices go up when companies exceed expectations -- short-term and long-term -- of income statement and balance sheet performance and daily operating value drivers. Gain a complete understanding of EBM and discover how to do this, and much more, while staying competitive in an unforgiving business environment.
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Dedications and Acknowledgments.


Chapter 1: The Right Objective, Strategy, and Metric.

Chapter 2: Expectations Count: The Evidence.


Chapter 3: Management of Existing Businesses.

Chapter 4: New Investment and Business Mix Decisions.

Chapter 5: What About the WACC?

Chapter 6: Capital Efficiency.

Chapter 7: Reverse Engineer the Value of Your Firm.

Chapter 8: Investor Relations.

Chapter 9: Incentive Design.

Chapter 10: Implementing an EBM System.


Chapter 11: Investor Relations: Understanding the Investor's Perspective.

Chapter 12: Comparison of Value-Based Management Systems.

Chapter 13: Expectations, Noise, and Public Policy.

Chapter 14: Summary and Conclusions.



TOM COPELAND, PHD, is Managing Director Emeritus of Corporate Finance at The Monitor Group, Inc., a top management consulting company, and Senior Lecturer at MIT's Sloan School of Management. He has consulted at over 200 companies in thirty-four countries and is a leading authority on valuation. He coauthored Valuation with Tim Koller and Jack Murrin, and Real Options: A Practitioner's Guide with Vladimir Antikarov (both from Wiley). Copeland received a BA in economics from The Johns Hopkins University, an MBA in finance from the Wharton School, and a PhD in applied economics from the University of Pennsylvania. He has also taught at the Anderson School of Management, UCLA; at the Stern School at NYU; and at Harvard Business School.

AARON DOLGOFF is an Associate Principal in the Finance practice of CRA International. He works on litigation and business-consulting matters requiring specialized finance expertise. Dolgoff's experience spans a range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, agribusiness, truck manufacturing, office supplies, healthcare services, and consumer goods. He received a BS in economics from the Wharton School and an MA in international relations and economics from The Johns Hopkins University.

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