Courjon / Pohl | Near Field Optics | Buch | 978-94-010-4873-6 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 242, 418 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 692 g

Reihe: NATO Science Series E:

Courjon / Pohl

Near Field Optics

Buch, Englisch, Band 242, 418 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 692 g

Reihe: NATO Science Series E:

ISBN: 978-94-010-4873-6
Verlag: Springer Netherlands

Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM, also known as NSOM) is a new local probe technique with a resolving power of 10--50 nm. Not being limited by diffraction, near-field optics (NFO) opens new perspectives for optical characterization and the understanding of optical phenomena, in particular in biology, microelectronics and materials science.
SNOM, after first demonstrations in '83/'84, has undergone a rapid development in the past two to four years. The increased interest has been largely stimulated by the wealth of optical properties that can be investigated and the growing importance of characterization on the nanometer scale in general. Examples include the use of fluorescence, birefrigence and plasmon effects for applications in particular in biology, microelectronics and materials science, to name just a few.
This volume emerged from the first international meeting devoted exclusively to NFO, and comprises a complete survey of the 1992 activities in the field, in particular the variety of instrumental techniques that are currently being explored, the demonstration of the imaging capabilities as well as theoretical interpretations - a highly nontrivial task. The comprehensive collection of papers devoted to these and related subjects make the book a valuable tool for anybody interested in near-field optics.
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Weitere Infos & Material

“Some Remarks on the History of Near-Field Optics”.- Screened Tip Techniques (Aperture Microscopy).- “Principles and Applications of Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM)”.- “Near Field Optical and Exciton Imaging, Spectroscopy and Chemical Sensors”.- “Amplitude, Phase Contrast, and Polarization Imaging in Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy”.- “A Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope (SNOM) for Biological Applications”.- “Reflection Shear Force/Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM)”.- “Optical Tunneling through an Adjustable Liquid Metal Gap”.- Unscreened Tip Techniques.- “Recent Experimental Results with the PSTM: Observation of a Step on a Quartz Surface. Spatial Spectroscopy of Microwaveguides”.- “Combination of a Fiber and a Silicon Nitride Tip as a Bifunctional Detector, First Results and Perspectives”.- “Combined Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscope and Atomic Force Microscope using Silicon Nitride Tips”.- “The Reflection Near Field Optical Microscope: An Alternative to STOM”.- “Scanning Tunneling Optical Microscopy: Application to Very Low Relief Objects”.- “Quantum Optical Picture of Photon STM and Proposal of Single Atom Manipulation”.- “Low Temperature Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscope”.- Optical Forces.- “Light Forces on Dielectric Particles and Atoms”.- “Nanometer Resolution Photon STM and Single Atom Manipulation”.- “Scanned Probe Optical Microscopy Using a Non-Intrusive Probe”.- Theory.- “Theory of Evanescent and Radiative Fields”.- “Theoretical Problems in Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy”.- “Scanning Tunneling Optical Microscopy (STOM): Theoretical Study of Polarization Effects with Two Models of Tip”.- “The 90° Prism as a Model SNOM Probe:Near-Field, Photon Tunneling, and Far-Field Properties”.- “Optical Near Field Detection and Local Spectroscopy of a Surface: A Self-Consistent Theoretical Study”.- “Near Field Scattered by Subsurface Particles”.- “Theoretical Considerations Associated with Near-Field Scanning by Subwavelength Apertures”.- “On the Resolution Limit of Near-Field Optical Microscopy”.- “Emission and Absorption of Light by Electrons or Atoms in Optical Near Fields”.- “A Perturbation-Theory Approach to Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy (SNOM)”.- Plasmons in Near-Field Optics.- “The Tetrahedral Tip as a Probe for Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy”.- “Development of a Scanned Near-Field Optical Microscope for Magneto-Optic Kerr Imaging of Magnetic Domains with 10 nm Resolution”.- “Scanning Plasmon Near-Field Microscope”.- “Direct Measurement of the Field Enhancement Caused by Surface Plasmons with the Scanning Tunneling Optical Microscope”.- Instrumental Techniques.- “Sensing Tip Morphology in Scanning Optical Microscopes”.- “Fiber Tips for Reflection Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy”.- “The Concept of an Optoelectronic Probe for Near-Field Microscopy”.- Near-Field Infrared Microscopy.- “First Specifications of a PSTM Working in the Infrared”.- “Far-Infrared Near-Field Spectroscopy of Two-Dimensional Electron Systems”.- STM and Light.- “Tunneling with Coupling to Surface Plasmons”.- “Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”.- “Calculation of Resonantly Enhanced Light Emission from a Scanning Tunneling Microscope”.- “Light Emission from the Tunnel Junction of the STM. Possible Role of the Tcherenkov Effect”.- “A Technique for the Observation of Magneto-Optical Effectswith Nanometer Resolution”.- Related Techniques.- “A New Kind of Surface Wave: The Localiton”.- “Diffraction Gratings as Components for Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscope Image Interpretation”.- “Optical Near-Field Interaction: On the Local Field inside a Quantum Tip”.- “A Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy with Optical Distance Control”.- “Progress in Vibrating Stylus Near Field Microscopy”.- “Development of a New Optical Tunneling Microscope”.- Author Index.

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