Creighton | Designs Upon the Land | Buch | 978-1-84383-825-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 1, 272 Seiten, Print PDF, Format (B × H): 154 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 595 g

Reihe: Garden and Landscape History


Designs Upon the Land

Elite Landscapes of the Middle Ages

Buch, Englisch, Band 1, 272 Seiten, Print PDF, Format (B × H): 154 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 595 g

Reihe: Garden and Landscape History

ISBN: 978-1-84383-825-8
Verlag: Boydell & Brewer

A wide-ranging and accessibly written account of designed medieval landscapes.

The phrase "designed landscape" is generally associated with the great parks and gardens of the post-medieval period, with grand country houses surrounded by parkland, such as Chatsworth and Longleat. However, recent research hasmade it clear that its origins lie much further back than that, in the middle ages, and numerous examples have been identified. This book offers the first full-length survey of designed medieval landscapes, not just the settings for castles, but for palaces, manor houses and monastic institutions. Gardens and pleasure grounds gave their owners sensory enjoyment; lakes, ponds and walkways created routes of approach that displayed residences to best effect;deer parks were stunning backdrops and venues for aristocratic enjoyment; and peacocks, swans, rabbits and doves were some of the many species which lent these landscapes their elite appearance. Richly illustrated with plans, maps, and photographs of key sites showing what can still be seen today.

Oliver H. Creighton is Associate Professor in Archaeology, University of Exeter.
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Oliver H. Creighton is Associate Professor in Archaeology, University of Exeter .

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