De Cauwer / Smith | Critical Image Configurations | Buch | 978-1-032-08846-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 168 Seiten, Format (B × H): 174 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 286 g

Reihe: Angelaki: New Work in the Theoretical Humanities

De Cauwer / Smith

Critical Image Configurations

The Work of Georges Didi-Huberman: The Work of Georges Didi-Huberman

Buch, Englisch, 168 Seiten, Format (B × H): 174 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 286 g

Reihe: Angelaki: New Work in the Theoretical Humanities

ISBN: 978-1-032-08846-4
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd (Sales)

This book illuminates a variety of the key themes and positions that are developed in the work of art historian and philosopher Georges Didi-Huberman, one of the most influential image-theorists of our time.

Beginning with a translated exchange on the politics of images between Jacques Rancière and Georges Didi-Huberman, the volume further contains a translation of Didi-Huberman’s essay on Georges Bataille’s writings on art. The articles in this book explore the influence of Theodor Adorno and Aby Warburg on Didi-Huberman’s work, the relationship between ‘image’ and ‘people', his insights on witnessing and memory, the theme of phasmids and his reflections on aura, pathos and the imagination.

Taken as a whole, the book will give readers an insight into the rich and expansive work of Didi-Huberman, beyond the books that are currently available in English. This book was originally published as a special issue of Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities.
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Postgraduate and Undergraduate

Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword Introduction – Critical Image Configurations: The Work of Georges Didi-Huberman 1. Images Re-read: The Method of Georges Didi-Huberman 2. Image, Language: The Other Dialectic 3. La Dama Duende [The Phantom Lady] 4. The Readability of Images (and) of History: Laudatio on the Occasion of the Awarding of the Adorno Prize (2015) to Georges Didi-Huberman 5. He or She Who Glimpses, Desires, is Wounded: A Dialogue in the Interspace (zwischenraum) between Aby Warburg and Georges Didi-Huberman 6. The People-Image: The Political Philosophy of Georges Didi-Huberman 7. Eyes Wide Open: What the Eye of History compels us to do 8. Phasmid Thinking: On Georges Didi-Huberman’s Method 9. Re-Imagining the "Loss of Place": Georges Didi-Huberman and the Aura after Benjamin 10. Searching for Fireflies: Pathos and Imagination in the Theories of Georges Didi-Huberman

Stijn De Cauwer is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Cultural Studies and Literary Studies at KU Leuven, Belgium.

Laura Katherine Smith is a Postdoctoral Assistant in Cultural Studies and Literary Studies at KU Leuven, Belgium.

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