Deas / Hincks | Territorial Policy and Governance | Buch | 978-0-415-66137-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 260 Seiten, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 476 g

Reihe: Regions and Cities

Deas / Hincks

Territorial Policy and Governance

Alternative Paths

Buch, Englisch, 260 Seiten, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 476 g

Reihe: Regions and Cities

ISBN: 978-0-415-66137-9
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

In response to both policy and conceptual debates, alternative narratives have begun to emerge about territorial governance and policymaking. As local and regional policy actors strive to respond to the geographically uneven effects of the economic crises of the early twenty-first century, a crucial question emerges: what are the opportunities and challenges presented by alternative forms of territorially based governance and policy?

The aim of this edited volume, therefore, is critically to explore the opportunities and challenges presented by different forms of territorial policy and governance. Drawing on conceptual debates and empirical research from the United Kingdom and other international contexts, the contributors engage with issues around the politics and governance of territorial development, economic development, planning and regeneration and the environment. Territorial Policy and Governance addresses the question of how alternative forms of territorial governance and policy can help to shape patterns of urban and regional development, highlighting the related opportunities, constraints and challenges that confront their operationalisation.

This book will be essential reading for international audiences with an interest in territorial development, governance, politics, human geography and planning and regeneration.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of illustrations

List of contributors


1 Introduction

Iain Deas and Stephen Hincks

Part I

Multi-scalar concepts and practices of regionalism

2 New localism, new localities …

Martin Jones

3 Evolving conceptions of regional policy in Europe and their influence across different territorial scales

Philip O’Brien, Olivier Sykes and David Shaw

4 Constructing alternative paths to city-region policy and governance

John Harrison

Part II

Flexible regionalism: soft spaces in theory and practice

5 Alternative planning spaces

Graham Haughton and Philip Allmendinger

6 Multi-level geographies of trans-boundary cooperation in Catalonia: governance, planning and ‘cross-border spaces of regionalist engagement’

Claire Colomb Francesc Morata Tierra, Antoni Dura Guimera and Xavier Oliveras Gonzalez

Part III

Mobility and circularity in urban–regional policy

7 Business improvement districts in the United Kingdom: territorialising a ‘global’ model?

Kevin Ward and Ian Cook

8 ‘Where it’s at’: fashions and fads in British local economic-development policy

Alex Lord

Part IV

Embedding environmental concerns in regional governance and policy

9 From ecotopia to heterotopia: alternative pathways to territorialising the environment

Andrew Karvonen

10 The implications of the low-carbon economy for the politics and practice of regional development

David Gibbs, Andrew E.G. Jonas and Aidan While

11 The production and consumption of urban-climatology science in New York City’s PlaNYC

Brian Webb

12 Conclusion

Iain Deas and Stephen Hincks


Iain Deas is a Senior Lecturer in Planning and Environmental Management at the University of Manchester, UK.

Stephen Hincks is a Senior Lecturer in Planning and Environmental Management at the University of Manchester, UK.

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