Democracy and Modernity: International Colloquium on the Centenary of David Ben-Gurion | Buch | 978-90-04-09544-1 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 4, 170 Seiten, Format (B × H): 159 mm x 238 mm, Gewicht: 341 g

Reihe: Studies in Human Society

Democracy and Modernity: International Colloquium on the Centenary of David Ben-Gurion

Buch, Englisch, Band 4, 170 Seiten, Format (B × H): 159 mm x 238 mm, Gewicht: 341 g

Reihe: Studies in Human Society

ISBN: 978-90-04-09544-1
Verlag: Brill

Democracy and Modernity presents a colloquium of scholars on the present state of democracy in many parts of the globe, in both developed and developing countries. Where does it stand firm, and where is it on shifting ground? What are the conditions necessary for the consolidation of democracy, and what difficulties face those countries where a stable democratic regime is still a hope for the future? How do the political traditions of a country's past affect its ability to maintain democracy in the present?
Recent changes in the nature of regimes in many previously non-democratic countries have made these questions all the more timely. The example of other countries that have made the shift from non-democratic or pre-democratic to democratic regimes in the recent past will surely prove relevant to those encountering a similar complex of problems today.
Contributions to the volume include those of Seymour Martin Lipset, on conditions of the democratic order and social change; Ralf Dahrendorf, on the European experience; Shlomo Avineri, responding to Lipset and Dahrendorf; Shlomo Ben Ami, on Southern Europe; Carlo Rossetti, on the rule of law; Luis Roniger, on the consolidation of democracy in Southern Europe and Latin America; Myron Weiner, On India; Erik Cohen, on Thailand; Ben-Ami Shillony, on the political tradition of Japan; Naomi Chazan, on Africa; and Metin Heper, on the Turkish case. The Introduction and Concluding Remarks by S.N. Eisenstadt set the individual presentations within the time-frame of global developments since World War II and within the comprehensive context of the political culture of the modern state.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction, S.N. Eisenstadt

Conditions of the Democratic Order and Social Change: A Comparative Discussion, Seymour Martin Lipset

Democracy and Modernity: Notes on the European Experience, Ralf Dahrendorf

Comments on the Presentation of Dahrendorf and Lipset, Shlomo Avineri

The Concept of Southern Europe and the New Mediterranean Democracies, Shlomo Ben Ami

Law and Democracy in Mediterranean Societies: A Historical-Comparative Analysis, Carlo Rossetti

Conditions for the Consolidation of Democracy in Southern Europe and Latin America, Luis Roniger

The Indian Paradox: Violent Social Conflict and Democratic Politics, Myron Weiner

Thai Democracy as National Symbol and Political Practice, Erik Cohen

The Political Tradition of Japan and its Impact on teh Development of Japanese Democracy, Ben-Ami Shillony

Democratic Fragments: Africa's Quest for Democracy, Naomi Chazan

The 'Strong State' and Democracy: The Turkish Case in Comparative and Historical Perspective, Metin Heper

Concluding Observations, S.N. Eisenstadt

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