Donaldson | Women's Voices in the Field of Educational Technology | Buch | 978-3-319-33451-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 4616 g


Women's Voices in the Field of Educational Technology

Our Journeys

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 4616 g

ISBN: 978-3-319-33451-6
Verlag: Springer International Publishing

In a professional world that has a tradition of the “good old boy” network, women long have fought for recognition in the educational technology field. In this book authors discuss the women in their own lives who have made the difference for them in their professional development. A group of 31 individuals from the USA, Canada, Northern Cyprus, the UK, and South Korea were asked to be part of this endeavor. The breadth of the list was intended to bring together as many perspectives as possible. Some stories included in this book are deeply private, others offer historical perspectives of women's roles in educational technology, while others focus on mentoring. This book is intended as a resource for all individuals in the field of educational technology, instructional design, and learning design at a national and international level.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Ana's Voice: It's All About the Journey.- Kay's Voice: Never in My Wildest Dreams.- Sharon and Mary's Voices: Sisterhood - The Journey.- Tonia's Voice: From the Dirt Roads to the Ivory Tower.- Marcy's Voice: The Road Less Traveled.- Linda's Voice: Life Events Don't Define You - You Do!.- Elizabeth's Voice: Those Who Came Before Us - Jane Wheeler Boling.- Ali's Voice: Pathways toward Balance.- Ellen's Voice: The Long and Winding Road to Educational Communications and Technology Enlightenment.- Rhonda's Voice: And Gladly Would She Learn, and Gladly Teach.- Gráinne’s Voice: The Journey from Chemistry to E-learning.- Pat's Voice: A Journey towards Wisdom.- Insung's Voice: Great People, Boundless Opportunities, and Meaningful Changes.- Monica's Voice: Developing Designer Professional Identity.- Angela's Voice: Cherish the Support, Nurture the Relationships,- Eugene's Voice: Women leaders Guiding my Ethics of Caring.- Gayle's Voice: My Journey of How I Got to Now.- Will's Voice: The AcademicRoad - Thorns and Roses.- Joi's Voice: The Lights Along my Path.- Amy's Voice: Becoming Fully Human in our Professional Roles.- Krista's Voice: The Transformative Influence of Negative and Positive Experiences.- Paralleling Women as President of AECT with Changes in U.S. Laws and Social Norms.- Early Women Involved in Educational Technology: Vignettes.- Technology and Generational Learners: From Baby Boomers to Next Generators, to Millennials, to Netters, to Guess What is Coming!.- (Ward's) Ten Principles of Effective Mentoring.- Investing in our Future: the Role of Intentional Mentorship.- Mentoring and the Role of Women in Instructional Design and Technology.- Being Role Models in Leadership in the Field of Educational Technology.

Dr. Ana Donaldson was the AECT (Association for Educational Communications and Technology) President for 2011-2012. She retired in 2009 as an Associate Professor of Instructional Technology from the University of Northern Iowa. Besides her years of classroom and online experience in creating web-supported learning environments, she is a published author, keynote speaker and international presenter. Donaldson is currently a contributing faculty member for Walden University in their online Ph.D. Educational Technology program.

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