Dugdale | Veterinary Anaesthesia | Buch | 978-1-4051-9247-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 220 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1245 g


Veterinary Anaesthesia

Buch, Englisch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 220 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1245 g

ISBN: 978-1-4051-9247-7
Verlag: Wiley-Blackwell

This comprehensive textbook covers the key principles of veterinary anaesthesia and encompasses a wide range of species. Information is summarised in a simple, reader-friendly format, while still providing the detail you need for an advanced level of study. The easy-reference structure is designed to help you identify and access topics of interest quickly. Over 180 photographs and line drawings illustrate the scientific principles, equipment and the techniques you need to know. A self-test section at the end of every chapter helps you to learn and revise each topic.

As well as the technical and species-based chapters, you will find useful chapters that you can refer to as part of your daily practice:

* Quick Reference Guide to Analgesic Infusions
* Trouble-shooting for common problems encountered in anaesthetised patients
* Anaesthetic Machine Checks
* Canine, Feline and Equine Emergency Drug Dose Charts

Designed specifically for veterinary students and those preparing to take advanced qualifications in veterinary anaesthesia. It is also a useful reference for veterinarians in practice and advanced veterinary nurses and technicians.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Preface and Acknowledgements vii

About the authors viii

Chapter 1 Concepts of general anaesthesia 1

Chapter 2 Pre-operative assessment 4

Chapter 3 Pain 8

Chapter 4 Small animal sedation and premedication 30

Chapter 5 Injectable anaesthetic agents 45

Chapter 6 Quick reference guide to analgesic infusions 55

Chapter 7 Intravascular catheters: some considerations and complications 57

Chapter 8 Inhalation anaesthetic agents 64

Chapter 9 Anaesthetic breathing systems 76

Chapter 10 Anaesthetic machines, vaporisers and gas cylinders 93

Chapter 11 Anaesthetic machine checks 107

Chapter 12 Local anaesthetics 109

Chapter 13 Local anaesthetic techniques for the head: Small animals 118

Chapter 14 Local anaesthetic techniques for the limbs: Small animals 123

Chapter 15 Miscellaneous local anaesthetic techniques: Small animals 132

Chapter 16 Local anaesthetic techniques: Horses 135

Chapter 17 Muscle relaxants 141

Chapter 18 Monitoring animals under general anaesthesia 156

Chapter 19 Troubleshooting some of the problems encountered in anaesthetised patients 175

Chapter 20 Hypothermia: Consequences and prevention 179

Chapter 21 Blood gas analysis 182

Chapter 22 Lactate 192

Chapter 23 Fluid therapy 198

Chapter 24 Electrolytes 216

Chapter 25 Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system 225

Chapter 26 Shock 232

Chapter 27 Gastric dilation/volvulus (GDV) 244

Chapter 28 Equine sedation and premedication 247

Chapter 29 Equine heart murmurs 259

Chapter 30 Equine anaesthesia 260

Chapter 31 Equine intravenous anaesthesia in the fi eld and standing chemical restraint 274

Chapter 32 Donkeys 277

Chapter 33 Ruminants: Local and general anaesthesia 279

Chapter 34 Lamoids (formerly South American camelids) (llamas, alpacas, guanacos and vicunas) 299

Chapter 35 Pigs: Sedation and anaesthesia 302

Chapter 36 Rabbit anaesthesia 309

Chapter 37 Neonates/paediatrics 312

Chapter 38 Geriatrics 315

Chapter 39 Pregnancy and Caesarean sections 318

Chapter 40 Considerations for ocular surgery 322

Chapter 41 Orthopaedic concerns 325

Chapter 42 Renal considerations 327

Chapter 43 Hepatic considerations 330

Chapter 44 Some endocrine considerations 333

Chapter 45 Background to neuroanaesthesia for the brain 337

Chapter 46 Some cardiac considerations 341

Chapter 47 Some respiratory considerations 344

Chapter 48 Respiratory emergencies 347

Chapter 49 Cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation (CPCR) 359

Appendix 1 Canine emergency drug dose chart 366

Appendix 2 Feline emergency drug dose chart 368

Appendix 3 Equine emergency drug dose chart 370

Answers to self-test questions 371

Index 376

Tear out and keep: Accidents and emergencies procedure list

Chapter titles in bold italics represent 'Information only' chapters.

Alex Dugdale was until recently Head of Division of Veterinary Anaesthesia at the University of Liverpool, UK, and is currently studying for a PhD. She holds the RCVS Diploma in Veterinary Anaesthesia and the ECVAA Diploma in Veterinary Anaesthesia, as well as the PGCert (Learning and Teaching in Higher Education). She has over 10 years' experience of teaching veterinary anaesthesia.

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