Edler / Kitsos | Industrial Statistics | Buch | 978-3-7908-1042-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 302 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 493 g

Reihe: Contributions to Statistics

Edler / Kitsos

Industrial Statistics

Aims and Computational Aspects. Proceedings of the Satellite Conference to the 51st Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), Athens, Greece, August 16-17, 1997.

Buch, Englisch, 302 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 493 g

Reihe: Contributions to Statistics

ISBN: 978-3-7908-1042-4
Verlag: Physica-Verlag HD

Devoted to the growing impact of statistical methodology and statistical computing in industry the aim of this book is to link the three components: Statistics - industry - computers. Different areas of industrial statistics are presented by a number of excellent contributions. The following topics are covered: Quality control, engineering and monitoring; reliability and failure time analysis, experimental design; repeated measurements - multiple inference; pharma - statistics; computing, imaging and perception. This book concentrates on the interface between statistical needs in industry and statistical methods developed by statisticians and engineers.
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Weitere Infos & Material

I. Quality Control, Engineering and Monitoring.- Quality Engineering Using Robust Design and Analysis.- The Calibration Problem in Industry.- Case Study of Applying Statistical Techniques for the Quality Assurance in a Paint Industry.- Taking Multivariate Statistics out into Industry — Multivariate Statistical Progress Control and Process Performance Monitoring.- Robust Estimation of Variance Components with High Breakdown Point in the 1-Way Random Effect Model.- Sources of Inaccuracy in the Mean and Variance Models for Quality Improvement Problems.- II. Reliability and Failure Time Analysis.- Accelerated Life Test with Some Parameter Change in Life Stress Relation.- Accurate Inferences for the Reliability Function Considering Accelerated Life Tests.- Prediction of Failures that Have Never Occured — Exponential Case.- Algorithm of Confidence Limits Calculation for the Probability of the Value 1 of a Monotone Boolean Function of Random Variables.- Developing a Graphical Interface for Pre-Posterior Bayesian Analysis.- III. Experimental Design.- Nonlinear-Optimal-Sequential Experiment Designs and Applications.- Robust Inference and Experimental Design for Multi-Factor Models.- Construction of Some New Orthogonal Main-Effect Designs.- Extended V-robustness for Two-level Orthogonal Resolution V Designs.- Computational Algebraic Geometry in Industrial Experimental Design.- IV. Pharmaceutical Statistics.- New Statistical Methods for Analyzing Mutagenicity Assays Real Data Problems in Biopharmaceutical Drug Development:.- Application of Statistical Selection Procedures in Biotechnology.- Modeling and Computation in Pharmaceutical Statistics when Analyzing Drug Safety.- Isotonic Inference with Particular Interest in Application to Clinical Trials.- Tests for Linearity andTests for Zero Slope in Crossover Studies.- V. Repeated Measurements — Multiple Inference.- A Nonparametric Combination Method for Dependent Permutation Tests with Application to Some Problems with Repeated Measures.- Adaptive Tests for Trend.- VI. Computing, Imaging and Prediction.- Convergence Rates of Simulated Annealing-Type of Recursive Algorithms.- Spatial Statistics in the Material Research.- Exact Solutions to the Problem of Predicting a Vast Class of Weakly Stationary, Linearly Singular, Discrete Parameter Stochastic Processes.

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