Fannon / Ward | A Level Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) | Buch | 978-1-316-64422-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 608 Seiten, Format (B × H): 263 mm x 195 mm, Gewicht: 1304 g

Reihe: AS/A Level Mathematics for AQA

Fannon / Ward

A Level Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1)

Buch, Englisch, 608 Seiten, Format (B × H): 263 mm x 195 mm, Gewicht: 1304 g

Reihe: AS/A Level Mathematics for AQA

ISBN: 978-1-316-64422-5
Verlag: Cambridge University Press

New 2017 Cambridge A Level Maths and Further Maths resources help students with learning and revision. Written for the AQA AS/A Level Mathematics specifications for first teaching from 2017, this print Student Book covers the content for AS and the first year of A Level. It balances accessible exposition with a wealth of worked examples, exercises and opportunities to test and consolidate learning, providing a clear and structured pathway for progressing through the course. It is underpinned by a strong pedagogical approach, with an emphasis on skills development and the synoptic nature of the course. Includes answers to aid independent study. This book is AQA approved
Fannon / Ward A Level Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

1. Proof and mathematical communication; 2. Indices and surds; 3. Quadratic functions; 4. Polynomials; 5. Using graphs; 6. Coordinate geometry; 7. Logarithms; 8. Exponential models; 9. Binomial expansion; Focus on proof 1; Focus on problem solving 1; Focus on modelling 1; Cross-topic review exercise 1; 10. Trigonometric functions and equations; 11. Triangle geometry; 12. Differentiation; 13. Applications of differentiation; 14. Integration; Focus on proof 2; Focus on problem solving 2; Focus on modelling 2; Cross-topic review exercise 2; 15. Vectors; 16. Introduction to kinematics; 17. Motion with constant acceleration; 18. Forces and motion; 19. Objects in contact; Focus on proof 3; Focus on problem solving 3; Focus on modelling 3; Cross-topic review exercise 3; 20. Working with data; 21. Probability; 22. Statistical hypothesis testing; Focus on proof 4; Focus on problem solving 4; Focus on modelling 4; Cross-topic review exercise 4.

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