Ferre / Buss / Balaguer | Advances in Telerobotics | Buch | 978-3-642-42592-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 31, 504 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 785 g

Reihe: Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics

Ferre / Buss / Balaguer

Advances in Telerobotics

Buch, Englisch, Band 31, 504 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 785 g

Reihe: Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics

ISBN: 978-3-642-42592-9
Verlag: Springer

At the dawn of the new millennium, robotics is undergoing a major transformation in scope and dimension. From a largely dominant industrial focus, robotics is rapidly expanding into the challenges of unstructured environments. Interacting with, assi- ing, serving, and exploring with humans, the emerging robots will increasingly touch people and their lives. The goal of the new series of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) is to bring, in a timely fashion, the latest advances and developments in robotics on the basis of their signi cance and quality. It is our hope that the wider dissemination of research developments stimulates exchanges and collaborations among the research community and contributes to further advancement of this rapidly growing eld. The edited volume by Manuel Ferre, Martin Buss, Rafael Aracil, Claudio M- chiorri and Carlos Balaguer is focused on the most recent advances in telerobotics, a technology that deals with the inclusion of a human operator in the control loop of a remote robot. Telerobotics encompasses an area at the crossroads of several scienti c disciplines such as mechatronics, control, communication, computers, sensor-based recognition, multimodality and even teleoperation through Internet.
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Weitere Infos & Material

to Advances in Telerobotics.- to Advances in Telerobotics.- Human System Interfaces.- The Human Role in Telerobotics.- Design, Control, and Evaluation of a Hyper-redundant Haptic Device.- A Novel Parallel Haptic Interface for Telerobotic Systems.- Exoskeletons as Man-Machine Interface Systems for Teleoperation and Interaction in Virtual Environments.- Stereoscopic Image Visualization for Telerobotics. Experiments with Active Binocular Cameras.- Stereoscopic 3-D Acquisition, Processing, and Display for Telerobotic Applications.- User Voice Assistance Tool for Teleoperation.- Computer Vision Body Modeling for Gesture Based Teleoperation.- Enhanced Teleoperation Through Virtual Reality Techniques.- Control.- Bilateral Control Architectures for Telerobotics.- Experimental Results on Bilateral Control Using an Industrial Telemanipulator.- Human Perceived Transparency with Time Delay.- Environment Estimation in Teleoperation Systems.- Power Scaling in Port-Hamiltonian Telemanipulation over Packet Switched Networks.- Adaptive Synchronization of Bilateral Teleoperators with Time Delay.- Bilateral Control of Teleoperation Systems Through State Convergence.- Re-configurable Control Scheme for Guiding Telerobotics.- Teleprograming: Capturing the Intention of the Human Operator.- Applications.- DLR’s Advanced Telerobotic Concepts and Experiments for On-Orbit Servicing.- Underwater Telerobotics for Collaborative Research.- Robot Assisted Force Feedback Surgery.- Telerobotic Control by Virtual Fixtures for Surgical Applications.- Technologies for a Telesurgery Laboratory Implementation.- Proprio and Teleoperation of a Robotic System for Disabled Persons’ Assistance in Domestic Environments.- Internet-Based Tele-Laboratory: Remote Experiments Using the SNRP Distributed NetworkArchitecture.- Force Reflecting Teleoperation Via IPv6 Protocol with Geometric Constraints Haptic Guidance.- Telerobotics for Aerial Live Power Line Maintenance.- Advanced Telerobotics: Dual-Handed and Mobile Remote Manipulation.

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