Field / Mccabe / Schneiderman | Stress and Coping Across Development | Buch | 978-0-89859-960-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 280 Seiten, Format (B × H): 241 mm x 162 mm, Gewicht: 530 g

Reihe: Stress and Coping Series

Field / Mccabe / Schneiderman

Stress and Coping Across Development

Buch, Englisch, 280 Seiten, Format (B × H): 241 mm x 162 mm, Gewicht: 530 g

Reihe: Stress and Coping Series

ISBN: 978-0-89859-960-2
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Inc

This is the second volume based on the annual University of Miami Symposia on Stress and Coping. The present volume is focused on some representative stresses and coping mechanisms that occur during different stages of development including infancy, childhood, and adulthood. Accordingly, the volume is divided into three sections for those three stages.
Field / Mccabe / Schneiderman Stress and Coping Across Development jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Contents: Part I:Infancy. S. M. Schanberg, T. Field, Maternal Deprivation and Supplemental Stimulation C. S. Carter, Patterns of Infant Feeding, the Mother-lnfant Interaction and Stress Management. A. Gianino, E. Tronick, The Mutual Regulation Model: The Infant's Self and Interactive Regulation Coping and Defense Capacities. Part II:Childhood. B.S. McCann, K.A. Matthews, Antecedents of the Coronary- Prone Behavior Pattern. N. Vega-Lahr, T. Field, S. Goldstein, Type A Behavior in Preschool Children. B.G. Melamed, L. J. Siegel, R. Ridley-Johnson, Coping Behaviors in Children Facing Medical Stress. A.M. LaGreca, Children with Diabetes and Their Families: Coping and Disease Management Part III:Adulthood. E.M.Singer, Delay Behavior Among Women with Breast Symptoms. J.K. Kiecolt-Glaser, R. Glaser, Behavioral Influences on Immune Function: Evidence for the Interplay between Stress and Health. R.B. Williams Jr., Is There Life After Type A: Recent Developments in Research on Coronary-Prone Behavior J.E. Dimsdale, The Effect of Depression on Cardiovascular Reactivity S.D. Hollon, M.D. Evans, R.J. DeRubeis, Preventing Relapse Following Treatment for Depression, The Cognitive Pharmacotherapy Project.

Tiffany M. Field, Philip Mccabe, Neil Schneiderman

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