Freitag | Sheela-na-gigs | Buch | 978-0-415-34553-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 232 Seiten, Format (B × H): 173 mm x 243 mm, Gewicht: 467 g



Unravelling an Enigma

Buch, Englisch, 232 Seiten, Format (B × H): 173 mm x 243 mm, Gewicht: 467 g

ISBN: 978-0-415-34553-8
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Here Barbara Freitag examines all the literature on the subject since their discovery 160 years ago, highlighting the inconsistencies of the various interpretations in regard to origin, function and name. By considering the Sheela-na-gigs in their medieval social context, she suggests that they were folk deities with particular responsibility for assistance in childbirth.

This fascinating survey sheds new light on a controversial phenomenon, and also contains a complete catalogue of all known Sheela-na-gigs, including hitherto unrecorded or unpublished figures.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Acknowledgements List of abbreviations INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I: The Sheela-na-gig Phenomenon 1. Special identifying Features, distinctive Gestures and Classification 2. The Problem of Dating CHAPER II: Sheelas and Academic Research 1. Scholarly Discovery and first Speculations during the nineteenth Century a. Ireland b. England, Scotland and Wales 2. Twentieth century Theories a. A Norse Fertility Goddess b. A divine Patron of Women c. A Pagan Symbol of Fertility d. A Celtic Goddess e. A Christian Warning of Sin f. A Mater Ecclesia CHAPTER III: The Problem of the Name 1. Sheela-na-gig ^DDS The Sculpture 2. Sheela na gigg ^DDS The Dance 3. Sheelanagig ^DDS The Ship 4. A new Look at the Name a. 'Sheelagh (i. e. Ireland)' b. Sheila ^DDS Saint Patrick's stormy Wife c. gig ^DDS A Woman's Privities CHAPTER IV: Sheelas, Birth, Death and Medieval Rural Traditions 1. The Hazards of Medieval Motherhood 2. Women's Helpers during Labour a. Stones b. Girdles c. Charms d. Midwives 3. Sheelas and Folk Religion a. Folk Deities assisting at Birth b. The continuous Cycle of Life and Death 4. The Christian Church and Folk Religion 5. Sheela Precursers and similar Figures CONCLUSION SHEELA-Na-Gig Catalogue 1. Ireland 2. England 3. Scotland 4. Wales 5. Sheela-na-gigs arranged by Counties Notes Bibliography Index

Lecturer in Intercultural Studies in the school of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies, Dublin City University.

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