Gallagher | Protecting Built Heritage in Hong Kong | Buch | 978-981-16-5070-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 111 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 201 g

Reihe: SpringerBriefs in Law


Protecting Built Heritage in Hong Kong

Buch, Englisch, 111 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 201 g

Reihe: SpringerBriefs in Law

ISBN: 978-981-16-5070-3
Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

This Brief is the first comprehensive coverage of law and policy intended to protect built heritage in Hong Kong. Although characterized as a city of skyscrapers and modernity, Hong Kong has a rich cultural heritage and a surprisingly rich built heritage. The text considers what “built heritage” means in Hong Kong and what built heritage there is in Hong Kong. It introduces general readers, practitioners and students to the issues facing built heritage protection and how such protection usually develops in a modern city. In particular, it considers the problems and disputes that provided the focus for development of law and policy in Hong Kong, especially the legacy of 150 years as a British colony and the consequent identification as a “borrowed” and “temporary” place. The Brief considers how effective law and policy has been in protecting built heritage under the colonial and post-colonial administrations- their successes and failures. These include the Kowloon-Canton Railway Station, the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance, reclamation of Victoria Harbour, violent protests at Queen’s Pier, and the introduction of mandatory heritage impact assessments for government projects. The text concludes noting recent successes, which may indicate a brighter future for the protection of Hong Kong’s built heritage.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Built Heritage in Hong Kong.- The Development of Protection for Built Heritage in Hong Kong up to 1976.- The Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance.- Problems with the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance pre-1997.- The Hong Kong SAR and Built Heritage 1997-2006.- Heritage and Social Unrest: 2006-7.- The Administration’s Heritage Concessions.- Heritage Successes and Failures post-2007.- Conclusions and The Future for Built Heritage Protection in Hong Kong.

Steven Gallagher is a Professional Consultant, Professor of Practice in Law, and Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) at CUHK LAW. Steven was awarded a first class LL.B. and called to the Bar of England and Wales in 2006. Steven has taught property law in England and Hong Kong. In 2013, Steven designed and introduced the Principles of Art, Antiquities, Cultural Heritage and the Law course to the LLM programme at CUHK LAW. Steven presents a range of continuing professional development courses for solicitors in Hong Kong focusing on property, art and heritage law. Steven’s research interests include property law, the development of policy and law intended to promote and protect art, antiquities and cultural heritage.

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