Gilson / Cassilde | Psychosocial Health, Work and Language | Buch | 978-3-319-50543-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 197 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 5022 g

Gilson / Cassilde

Psychosocial Health, Work and Language

International Perspectives Towards Their Categorizations at Work

Buch, Englisch, 197 Seiten, HC runder Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 5022 g

ISBN: 978-3-319-50543-5
Verlag: Springer International Publishing

This volume deals with the construction of categorizations of health at work on the basis of individuals’ perceptions and analyses of the psychosocial health effects at their work. The volume approaches the subject from the point of view of those who have experienced psychosocial risks at work, either by being under constraints themselves or by being witness to such constraints. Each chapter sheds light on their representations by examining how the individuals label these constraints. The book compares official categorizations of psychosocial health effects of work to unofficial categorizations, built or expressed. It shows how taking into account subjective narratives may reinforce existing strategies. By giving a central place to language in the analysis of the representations of psychosocial health at work, the volume provides additional information about the various prevention and coping strategies that can be used for dealing with the issue. Beyond some international comparisons,the book covers various national case studies, including in Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Chechnya, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, and Russia.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction (Gilson).- Part I: From Official to Unofficial Categorizations: Which Structure Between Similarities and Differences?.- Chapter 1. Language Issues in Standard Questionnaires for Assessing Psychosocial Working Conditions: The Case of the JCQ and the ERIQ (Choi).- Chapter 2. The Linguistics Of Work Values: Comparative Analysis (Yusupova). Chapter 3. Psychosocial Risks at Work: A Performative Speech Act (Delma).- Chapter 4. How French Bus Drivers, Managers and Unions Talk About Incivility and Physical and Verbal Assaults at Work (Kornig).- Chapter 5. Alternative Classifications of Psychosocial Health at Work: Gifted People at Work (Nauta).- Part II: Subjective Narratives as a Motivation to Act.- Chapter 6. Appropriation and Acculturation in the French Debate on Mental Health at Work of Anglo-Saxon Clinical Categories (Stress, Burn Out and Mobbing) (Loriol).- Chapter 7. Talking About Job Burnout in Germany: The Disappearance and Reemergence of Conflicts in SubjectiveNarrations (Graefe).- Chapter 8. Unequal in Sickness: Construction and Uses of the Differential of Legitimacy and Social Acceptability of Diagnostic Labels (Kirouac).- Chapter 9. Self-Categorization of Frontline Work Conditions in Belgian Temporary Work Agencies: The "Cooking" Metaphor (Glinne-Demaret).- Chapter 10. Suicides in Worker Accident Insurance: Riskization and Medicalization of Suicide in Japan (Yamada).- Chapter 11. The Language Of Psychosocial Risks At Work In Argentina. The Case Of A Multinational Company (Busso).- Conclusion (Cassilde).

Stéphanie CASSILDE

Centre d’Études en Habitat Durable, Charleroi (Belgium)

After having studied both economics and sociology, Stéphanie defended her PhD thesis in Economics about ethnic statistics and classifications in Brazil (2010). She was associate lecturer and researcher at Paris-Est Créteil University in France (2008-2010) and researcher at CEPS/INSTEAD in Luxembourg (2010-2012). Stéphanie joined Centre d’Études en Habitat Durable in Charleroi, Belgium, in 2013, where she studies the social dimensions of housing, creates indicators, and provides research consultancies to public policies stakeholders. The guiding principle of her research is the understanding of preferences and behaviours. She undertook a BA in psychology to support the pluridisciplinarity of her research. Stéphanie is the secretary of the Research Committee 25 “Language and Society” of the International Sociological Association (2014-2018), and the editor of Language, Discourse & Society since October 2015.

Adeline GILSON

Université de Tours, Université d’Orléans, Vallorem EA 6296, Tours, France

Adeline defended her PhD thesis in Sociology about managerial project of professionalisation and process of socialisation at work at La Poste in the Institute of Labour Economics & Industrial Sociology, Aix-en-Provence, France (2011). Since 2013, she is Senior Lecturer of Management Science in François Rabelais University (Tours, France) where she notably teaches “Intercultural Management”, “Sociology of health” and “Psychology and Quality of work life”. She belongs to the Management Research Laboratory VALLOREM where she studies “Public Management”, “Value conflicts” and “Well-being in the workplace of biomedicine”. After having been associate Member of RC 30 “Sociology of Work” of the International Sociological Association (2010-2014), Adeline became a Member of the French Association of Human Resources Management and of “Human Capital and Overall Performance” Chair of Bordeaux University, France.

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