Gookin | Word 2007 For Dummies | Buch | 978-0-470-03658-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Format (B × H): 187 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 607 g


Word 2007 For Dummies

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Format (B × H): 187 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 607 g

ISBN: 978-0-470-03658-7
Verlag: Wiley

The word is "easy" with this friendly guide!

Take advantage of cool new file formats and cruise around Word's new interface

From bestselling author Dan Gookin, here are words to live by about the world's most popular word processing program -- Word 2007. From starting things up (there's a good, better, and best way) to formatting your documents, dressing them up, and giving them style, here's everything you need to know to make sure your words get noticed!

Discover how to
* Use keyboard shortcuts
* Navigate with scrollbar buttons
* Undo and redo edits
* Format text, paragraphs, and pages
* Split windows on a single document
* Collaborate and review documents
Gookin Word 2007 For Dummies jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material


Part I: Hello, Word!

Chapter 1: Word Hokey-Pokey.

Chapter 2: Making Friends with the Keyboard.

Chapter 3: A Quick Guide to Word (For the Impatient).

Part II: Word Processing Basics.

Chapter 4: Moving Around a Document Hither, Thither, and Yon.

Chapter 5: Editing Text.

Chapter 6: Find and Replace.

Chapter 7: Text Blocks, Stumbling Blocks, Writer's Blocks.

Chapter 8: Proofing Your Document (Spelling and Grammar).

Chapter 9: Documents and Files.

Chapter 10: The Printer, the Paper, the Document Maker.

Part III: Formatting.

Chapter 11: Formatting Text.

Chapter 12: Formatting Paragraphs.

Chapter 13: Setting Tabs.

Chapter 14: Formatting Pages.

Chapter 15: Formatting Documents.

Chapter 16: The Styles of Word.

Chapter 17: Themes and Templates.

Chapter 18: Misc. Formatting Stuff.

Part IV: Making Your Document All Fancy-Schmancy.

Chapter 19: Borders, Boxes, and Background Color.

Chapter 20: Turning the Tables.

Chapter 21: Carousing with Columns.

Chapter 22: I Love Lists.

Chapter 23: Going Graphical.

Chapter 24: Stick This in Your Document.

Part V: What Else Is Left?

Chapter 25: Multiple Documents, Multiple Windows, Multiple Formats, Multiple Madness.

Chapter 26: Other Ways of Viewing a Document.

Chapter 27: Working This Out Together.

Chapter 28: Merrily We Mail Merge.

Chapter 29: Labels of Love.

Chapter 30: Customizing Word.

Part VI: The Part of Tens.

Chapter 31: The Ten Commandments of Word.

Chapter 32: Ten Cool Tricks.

Chapter 33: Ten Odd Things.

Chapter 34: Ten Avuncular Suggestions.


Dan Gookin started the whole Dummies phenomenon with DOS For Dummies in 1991. He's the author of numerous bestsellers with more than 11 million copies in print.

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