Greenwood / Woolley / Vaughan | Essential Mathematics Gold for the Australian Curriculum Year 10 | Buch | 978-1-107-68702-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 190 mm x 255 mm, Gewicht: 1252 g

Reihe: Essential Mathematics

Greenwood / Woolley / Vaughan

Essential Mathematics Gold for the Australian Curriculum Year 10

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 190 mm x 255 mm, Gewicht: 1252 g

Reihe: Essential Mathematics

ISBN: 978-1-107-68702-8
Verlag: European Community

Essential Mathematics Gold for the Australian Curriculum Year 10 provides a practical interpretation of the Australian Curriculum to help students meet the minimum requirements of the achievement standards. It focuses on consolidating core mathematical concepts and developing vital literacy and numeracy skills in a friendly and easy-to-follow layout.

• The three interconnected content strands are incorporated into 10-11 units of work that can be completed in the school year.

• Carefully chosen and assessed language, design and sentence structures engage students who struggle with maths and potentially with reading.

• Let's Start activities and Key Idea sections for every topic provide context and introduce core concepts.

• Examples show explanations alongside solutions, and are closely linked to carefully graded exercises, giving students the opportunity for immediate success and to work independently.

• Maths Words and Hint balloons reinforce the meaning of key terms and help students apply key concepts as they work through the exercises.

• Every question is grouped according to the proficiency strands of the Australian Curriculum with a particular emphasis placed on Understanding and Fluency to consolidate fundamental skills.

• Gold Star enrichment questions in each exercise allow enthusiastic students to challenge themselves.

• Important terms are defined within the text for immediate understanding and included in the glossary for reference and revision.

• Games and puzzles in every chapter give students a chance to have fun with mathematical ideas.

• Chapter reviews include summary mind maps of key concepts and lots of revision questions to test understanding.
Greenwood / Woolley / Vaughan Essential Mathematics Gold for the Australian Curriculum Year 10 jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1. Measurement
1.1 Conversion of units
1.2 Perimeter
1.3 Circumference
1.4 Area
1.5 Area of circles
1.6 Surface area
1.7 Surface area of a cylinder
1.8 Volume
Chapter 2. Consumer arithmetic
2.1 Review of percentages
2.2 Applications of percentages
2.3 Income
2.4 Budgeting
2.5 Simple interest and applications
2.6 Compound interest and the compound interest formula
2.7 Investments and loans
2.8 Comparing interest using technology
Chapter 3. Algebra and indices
3.1 Algebraic expressions
3.2 Simplifying algebraic expressions
3.3 Expanding algebraic expressions
3.4 Factorising algebraic expressions
3.5 Multiplying and dividing algebraic expressions
3.6 Adding and subtracting algebraic expressions
3.7 Index notation and index laws 1 and
3.8 Index laws and the zero power
3.9 Scientific notation
3.10 Exponential growth and decay
Chapter 4. Probability
4.1 Review of probability
4.2 Venn diagrams
4.3 Two-way tables
4.4 Conditional probability
4.5 Multiple events using tables
4.6 Using tree diagrams
4.7 Independent events
Chapter 5. Statistics
5.1 Sorting data
frequency tables
column graphs and histograms
5.2 Graphical forms
dotplots and stem-and-leaf plots
5.3 Range and measures of centre
5.4 Quartiles and outliers
5.5 Boxplots
5.6 Time series data
5.7 Bivariate data and scatter plots
5.8 Line of best fit by eye
Chapter 6. Straight line graphs
6.1 Interpretation of straight line graphs
6.2 Distance-time graphs
6.3 Plotting straight lines
6.4 Mid-point and length of a line segment
6.5 Exploring gradient
6.6 Rates from graphs
6.7 y = mx ' c and special lines
6.8 Sketching with x and y-intercepts
6.9 Linear modelling
Chapter 7. Geometry
7.1 Parallel lines
7.2 Triangles
7.3 Quadrilaterals
7.4 Polygons
7.5 Congruent triangles
7.6 Similar triangles
7.7 Applying similar triangles
7.8 Applications of similarity in measurement
Chapter 8. Equations
8.1 Solving linear equations
8.2 Solving more difficult linear equations
8.3 Using formulas
8.4 Inequalities
8.5 Solving simultaneous equations graphically
8.6 Solving simultaneous equations using substitution
8.7 Solving simultaneous equations using elimination
Chapter 9. Pythagoras' Theorem and trigonometry
9.1 Reviewing Pythagoras' theorem
9.2 Finding the length of a short side
9.3 Applications of Pythagoras' theorem
9.4 Trigonometric ratios
9.5 Finding side lengths
9.6 Finding more side lengths (unknowns in the denominators)
9.7 Finding angles
9.8 Angles of elevation and depression
9.9 Direction and bearings
Chapter 10. Quadratics and non-linear graphs
10.1 Expanding binomial products
10.2 Factorising a difference of perfect squares
10.3 Factorising trinomials of the form x2 ' bx ' c
10.4 Solving quadratic equations
10.5 Applications of quadratics
10.6 Exploring parabolas
10.7 Graphs of circles
10.8 Graphs of exponentials

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