Grossbard-Shechtman / Clague | The Expansion of Economics | Buch | 978-0-7656-0865-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 296 Seiten, Format (B × H): 150 mm x 232 mm, Gewicht: 408 g

Grossbard-Shechtman / Clague

The Expansion of Economics

Towards a More Inclusive Social Science

Buch, Englisch, 296 Seiten, Format (B × H): 150 mm x 232 mm, Gewicht: 408 g

ISBN: 978-0-7656-0865-9
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Economics, like most other social sciences, is not a pure discipline. Indeed, it has been enhanced by the fact that there is so much overlap between it and the related fields of business, industrial relations, political science, social psychology, and sociology. This book is the first attempt to explain how work in economics has influenced and benefited from a merging of economic analysis with the research practices of these related fields of study. With contributions from leading economists from around the world, it demonstrates how economics is leading the way toward a more unified social science.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1: The Expansion and Reorientation of Economics; I: Comparing Research Methods; 2: Comparing the Methodologies Used by Statisticians and Economists for Research and Modeling; 3: Modeling Economic Behavior with System Dynamics: Theory and Practice; II: Comparing Ideas on Economic Development; 4: Imperialism and Competition in Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, and Economics: A Perspective from Development Economics; 5: The Political Economy of Economic Liberalization: Analytical Approaches from Economics and Political Science; III: Comparing Ideas on the Firm; 6: The Economic Approach to Personnel Research; 7: Household Work and Market Work: Toward a New Model of Worker Absenteeism; IV: Comparing Ideas on Family and Church; 8: The Economics and Sociology of Marriage: Historical Trends and Theories of In-Marriage Household Labor; 9: A Demographer on the Cusp Between Economics and Sociology: An Interview with David Heer; 10: A Marriage Made in Heaven? Economic Theory and Religious Studies; V: Comparing Ideas on Individual and Collective Behavior; 11: On the Rationality of Cognitive Dissonance; 12: Economics and Collective Identity: Explaining Collective Action; 13: Concluding Comments

Shoshana Grossbard-Shechtman, Christopher K. Clague

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