Gupta | Brainstorming Questions in Toxicology | Buch | 978-0-367-42952-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 328 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 572 g


Brainstorming Questions in Toxicology

Buch, Englisch, 328 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 572 g

ISBN: 978-0-367-42952-2
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd (Sales)

Brainstorming Questions in Toxicology is designed to serve as a comprehensive, quick reference supplement for various examinations that include sections on toxicology. It reflects the breadth and multidisciplinary nature of toxicology with an objective approach to the subject. With 3500 short questions and answers, multiple choice questions, true/false or correct/incorrect statements, fill in the blanks, and matching the statements, this book is a helpful tool for students, teachers and toxicologists preparing for licensure and certification exams. It is also a resource or refresher for toxicologists working in pharmacy, medical, clinical and forensic toxicology, veterinary, and other related fields such as environment and eco-toxicology.

Key Features:

- Serves as a refresher for academicians and professionals in the field of toxicology

- Provides an essential guide for the student who needs a study aid for toxicology and the teacher of toxicology who needs inspiration when composing questions for their students

- Supplements in-house training courses in toxicology that exist in some pharmaceutical and chemical industries
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Postgraduate, Professional, and Professional Training


Weitere Infos & Material

Unit 1: General Toxicology

Chapter 01: Principles of Toxicology

Chapter 02 Disposition and Toxicokinetics

Chapter 03 Mechanistic Toxicology

Unit 2

Chapter 04: Target Organ Toxicity

Unit 3

Chapter 05: Non-Target-Directed Toxicity

Unit 4: Toxic Agents

Chapter 06: Toxic Effects Of Pesticides and Agrochemicals

Chapter 07: Toxic Effects of Metals and Micronutrients

Chapter 08: Toxic Effects of Non-metals and Micronutrients

Chapter 09: Toxicologic Hazards of Solvents, Gases, Vapors and other Chemicals

Chapter 10: Hazards of Radiation and Radioactive Materials

Chapter 11: Toxicities from Human Drugs

Unit 5

Chapter 12: Toxic Effects of Plants

Unit 6: Poisonous Organisms, Food and Feed Toxicity

Chapter 13: Biotoxins and Venomous Organisms

Chapter 14: Food Hazards and Feed Contaminant Toxicity

Chapter 15: Mycotoxicoses

Unit 7

Chapter 16: Pollution and Ecotoxicology

Unit 8 Applications in Toxicology

Chapter 17: Forensic and Clinical Toxicology

Unit 9: Special Topics

chapter 18 Adverse Effects of Calories

Chapter 19 Toxic Effects of Nanoparticles

Chapter 20 Occupational Toxicology

Chapter 21: Veterinary Drug Residue Hazards

Further Reading

PK Gupta is an internationally known toxicologist with more than 54 years of experience in teaching, research and research management in the field of toxicology. He has to his credit several books, book chapters (John Wiley, Elsevier, Academic Press, Merck & Co. Mariel Limited, Springer Nature, etc.) as well as scientific research publications (715) published in National and International peer reviewed Journals of repute. He has been the Book Review Editor, Marcel Dekker, USA; expert member consultant and advisor to WHO, Geneva; consultant to United Nations FAO, Rome; IAEA, Vienna. He is also the founder and Past President, Society of Toxicology of India; founder director and member nominating committee of International Union of Toxicology, founder Editor-in-Chief of peer reviewed PUBMED-indexed scientific journal Toxicology International. In addition Dr. Gupta has also been biographer in several WHO's WHO from all over the world including Marquis WHOs WHO (USA), IBC (UK) and other leading publications of the World. His name appears in UP Book of Records and Limca Book of Records for his unique scientific contribution to the field toxicology. At present Dr. Gupta is Director of Toxicology Consulting Group and President of the Academy of Sciences for Animal Welfare.

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