Gupta | Units of Measurement | Buch | 978-3-030-43971-2 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 122, 304 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 499 g

Reihe: Springer Series in Materials Science


Units of Measurement

History, Fundamentals and Redefining the SI Base Units

Buch, Englisch, Band 122, 304 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 499 g

Reihe: Springer Series in Materials Science

ISBN: 978-3-030-43971-2
Verlag: Springer International Publishing

This book delivers a comprehensive overview of units of measurement. Beginning with a historical look at metrology in Ancient India, the book explains fundamental concepts in metrology such as basic, derived and dimensionless quantities, and introduces the concept of quantity calculus. It discusses and critically examines various three and four-dimensional systems of units used both presently and in the past, while explaining why only four base units are needed for a system of measurement. It discusses the Metre Convention as well as the creation of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, and gives a detailed look at the evolution of the current SI base units of time, length, mass, electric current, temperature, intensity of illumination and substance.
This updated second edition is extended with timely new chapters discussing past efforts to redefine the SI base units as well as the most recent 2019 redefinitions based entirely on the speed of light and other fundamental physical constants. Additionally, it provides biographical presentations of many of the historical figures behind commonly used units of measurements, such as Newton, Joule and Ohm, With its accessible and comprehensive treatment of the field, together with its unique presentation of the underlying history, this book is well suited to any student and researcher interested in the practical and historical aspects of the field of metrology.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Metrology Through the Ages.- System of Quantities and Units.- Various Systems of Units.- Metre Convention and Evolution of Base Units.- BIPM and Metre Convention.- New Definitions SI Base Units.- Realization of the SI Base units (s, m, kilogram).- Realization of SI Base Unit Ampere and Other Electric Units in the SI.- Boltzmann Constant Defining Kelvin K.- Radiometry, Photometry & Realization of Candela and Mole.- Derived Quantities and Their Units.- Expressing SI Units.- Past Efforts in Redefining SI Units.- Scientists Associated with Units of Measurements.

Dr. S. V. Gupta received master’s degrees in physics and mathematics from Allahabad University and Agra University, India, respectively, and holds a PhD from Delhi University. Dr. Gupta subsequently completed advanced training at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, BIPM, France; International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML), Paris France; National Physical Laboratory, UK; and PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), Germany. He has been involved in various projects with the National Institute for Standards and Technology, NIST, USA and with the PTB, Germany. Dr. Gupta was recently awarded the title of “Mapiki Ratan” (a Jewel in Metrology). He is a member of the Institute of Physics UK. He is first Asian whose name has been placed in the Honours and awards list of the International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML), Paris, France since 2004. He has worked in the National Physical Laboratory of India for 37 years. He has been UNIDO Expert to various countries. After retirement from the regular service, he has written about 23 books (including editions) on different topics of metrology and legal metrology.

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