Halvorson | Health Care Will Not Reform Itself | Buch | 978-1-4398-1614-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 184 Seiten, Format (B × H): 159 mm x 238 mm, Gewicht: 417 g


Health Care Will Not Reform Itself

A User's Guide to Refocusing and Reforming American Health Care

Buch, Englisch, 184 Seiten, Format (B × H): 159 mm x 238 mm, Gewicht: 417 g

ISBN: 978-1-4398-1614-1
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd (Sales)

Health care reform is within our reach. According to George Halvorson, CEO of the nation's largest private health care plan, only by improving the intent, quality, and reach of services will we achieve a health system that is economically feasible into the future.

This year, Americans will spend 2.5 trillion for health services that are poorly coordinated, inconsistent, and most typically focused on the belated care of chronic conditions. What we have to show for that expenditure is a nation that continues to become more obese, less healthy, and more depressed.

In Health Care Will Not Reform Itself, Kaiser Permanente CEO George Halvorson proves beyond a doubt that the tragically inconsistent care that currently defines the state of U.S. health services is irresponsible, irrational, but more importantly, fixable. With detail that might shock you, he shows why the nonsystem we now use is failing. Then, applying the same sensible leadership that makes Kaiser the most progressive health care organization in the world, he answers President Obama’s mandate for reform with a profound incentive-based, system-supported, goal-focused, care-improvement plan.

Halvorson draws from respected studies, including his own, and the examples of successful systems across the world to show that while good health care is expensive, it is nowhere near as costly as bad health care. To immediately curb care costs and bring us in line with President Obama's projected parameters, he recommends that we:

- Take a preventive approach to the chronic conditions that account for the lion’s share of medical costs

- Coordinate patient care through a full commitment to information technology

- Increase the pool of contributors by mandating universal insurance

- Rearrange priorities by making health maintenance profitable

- Convene a national committee to "figure out the right thing" and "make it easy to do"

While this book offers sage advice to policy makers, it is also written to educate the 260 million stakeholders and invite their participation in the debate that is now shaping. What makes this plan so easy to understand and so compelling is that it never strays from a profound truth: that the best health system is one that actually focuses on good health for everyone.

All royalties from the sale of this book go to Oakland Community Voices: Healthcare for the Underserved
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Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

Health Care Won’t Reform Itself. Why Are Health Care Costs Going Up? Set Goals and Improve Care. Connectors Are Magic. The Perfect System. We Need Universal Coverage, Care System Reform, and Care System Competition. Risk Sharing Works Quite Well, Thank You. Focus, Tools, and Better Health. Health May Be the Highest Priority. We Also Need to Set Goals to Directly Reduce Costs.

George Halvorson has been the chief executive officer of health plans, hospital systems, and care delivery systems in the United States for over three decades. He has also helped start health plans in Jamaica, Chile, Nigeria, Spain and Uganda.He is the current chair of the International Federation of Health Plans and he also served as chair of the Health Governors for the 2009 World Economic Conference in Davos, Switzerland.Kaiser Permanente, his current employer, is the largest not-for-profit health plan and care system in America — with over eight and a half million members, 160,000 employees and roughly forty billion dollars in annual revenue.He is the past chair of the American Association of Health Plans and has served on the Board of Directors for the American Diabetes Associations, The Alliance of Community Health Plans, and Safest in America.He also currently chairs the Alliance for Quality — and serves on the Commonwealth Commission for a High Performing Health System.He is a long time proponent of health care reform — regularly writing articles and books and making presentations advocating reform. Recent books include Epidemic of Care (Jossey-Bass, San Francisco) and Health Care Reform Now! (Jossey-Bass, San Francisco).Kaiser Permanente has been a pioneer in the use of electronic medical records and computer connectivity between patients and caregivers — successfully completing a four billion dollar project to computerize the medical information for its members and patients.He is a husband, father of five sons, and grandfather to five wonderful grandchildren. He is headquartered in Oakland, California.

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