Helderman | Exploring the Emotional Life of the Mind: A Psychodynamic Theory of Emotions | Buch | 978-0-367-19163-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 174 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 239 mm, Gewicht: 358 g


Exploring the Emotional Life of the Mind: A Psychodynamic Theory of Emotions

Buch, Englisch, 174 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 239 mm, Gewicht: 358 g

ISBN: 978-0-367-19163-4

This highly innovative new book reconsiders the structure of basic emotions, the self and the mind. It clinically covers mental disorders, therapeutic interventions, defense mechanisms, consciousness and personality and results in a comprehensive discussion of human responses to the environmental crisis.

For openers, a novel psychodynamic model of happiness, sadness, fear and anger is presented that captures their object relational features. It offers a look through the eyes of these specific emotions and delineates how they influence the interaction with other persons. As regulation of the emotional state is the core task of the self, dysregulation can lead to mental disorders. Clinical cases of post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and depression are discussed, using the model to outline the emotional turbulence underneath. Finally, the elaborated theory is used to analyse personal responses to the environmental crisis and political strategies that capitalise on them.

This book will appeal to scholars, psychotherapists and psychiatrists with an interest in emotions and who wish to challenge their own implicit theory of emotion with an explicit new model. It will also be of interest for academic researchers and professionals in fields where emotional processes play a pivotal role.
Helderman Exploring the Emotional Life of the Mind: A Psychodynamic Theory of Emotions jetzt bestellen!


Postgraduate, Professional, and Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

Inflow; Part I: What to think of something that is subjective, multifaceted and fluid; 1. Recurring themes in rivalling theories of emotion; 2. Constructing the Maelstrom model and enjoying the view; 3. Cartography for psychotherapy; 4. To turn a blind eye; Part II: Emotional turbulence; 5. The interpretation of repetitive nightmares; 6. On obsessive compulsive behaviour: losing control of the need to feel in control; 7. On depression: when the emotional Maelstrom grinds to a halt; Part III: No emotion, no sense; 8. On emotions, the self and the mind: how personality is organised by integrating emotions; 9. Why it is so hard to talk about what matters most; Outflow

Daniël Helderman has a background in therapeutic work as a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst. He teaches psychoanalytic theory at RINO Utrecht and RINO Amsterdam as well as supervising healthcare psychologists in the Royal Netherlands Army and speaking professionally on emotion-related issues. His ambition is to use psychodynamic insight to amplify environmental awareness and (inter)action.

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